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Created July 7, 2016 00:22
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main = putStrLn prelude
>> interact (unlines . filter (not . null) . map compile)
>> putStrLn afterward
a +++ b = a ++ "\n" ++ b
prelude = "#include <stdio.h>"
+++ "char b[1000000];"
+++ "int main() {"
+++ "char* p = b;"
compile '>' = "p++;"
compile '<' = "p--;"
compile '[' = "while (*p) {"
compile ']' = "}"
compile ',' = "(*p) = getchar(); if (*p == EOF) { return 0; }"
compile '.' = "putchar(*p);"
compile '+' = "(*p)++;"
compile '-' = "(*p)--;"
compile _ = ""
afterward = "}"
+++ "// lol"
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