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Created June 1, 2016 00:50
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{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
import Data.HashMap.Lazy
import Data.Text hiding (last, minimum)
import Prelude hiding (length)
levenstein :: Text -> Text -> Int
levenstein a b = snd $ last levsl
subo = (-1, -1)
delo = (-1, 0)
inso = ( 0, -1)
offsets = [subo, delo, inso]
levsl = [ ((i, j), lev i j) | j <- uptop b, i <- uptop a ]
uptop x = [0 .. length x - 1]
levsv = fromList levsl
off i j = \(oi, oj) -> (i + oi, j + oj)
lev 0 j = j
lev i 0 = i
lev i j | (index a i) == (index b j) = levsv ! off i j subo
| otherwise = 1 + minimum [ levsv ! off i j o | o <- offsets]
main :: IO ()
main = print $ levenstein "hello" "world"
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