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Last active September 8, 2020 23:50
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{-# LANGUAGE InstanceSigs #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveFunctor #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ApplicativeDo #-}
{-# LANGUAGE BlockArguments #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-}
import Control.Applicative
import Control.Exception
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.IO.Class
newtype RunEverything a = RE
{ runEverything :: forall m. MonadIO m => m (Either SomeException a)
deriving Functor
instance Applicative RunEverything where
pure x = RE (pure (Right x))
liftA2 f (RE a) (RE b) = RE do
a' <- a
b' <- b
pure (f <$> a' <*> b')
instance Monad RunEverything where
(>>=) :: RunEverything a -> (a -> RunEverything b) -> RunEverything b
RE a >>= f = RE do
a' <- a
case a' of
Left s -> return $ Left s
Right a'' -> runEverything (f a'')
instance MonadIO RunEverything where
liftIO a = RE (liftIO $ try a)
-- Transformer
newtype RunEverythingT f a = RET
{ runEverythingT :: f (Either SomeException a) } deriving Functor
instance Applicative f => Applicative (RunEverythingT f) where
pure x = RET (pure (Right x))
liftA2 f (RET a) (RET b) = RET do
a' <- a
b' <- b
pure (f <$> a' <*> b')
instance Monad f => Monad (RunEverythingT f) where
RET a >>= f = RET do
a' <- a
case a' of
Left s -> pure $ Left s
Right a'' -> runEverythingT (f a'')
instance MonadIO f => MonadIO (RunEverythingT f) where
liftIO a = RET (liftIO $ try a)
-- Test
printAndFail :: (MonadIO m, Show a) => a -> m ()
printAndFail x = liftIO $ (print x) *> error (show x)
-- | 1
-- 2
-- 3
-- 4
-- 5
-- "hello"
main :: IO ()
main = do
_ <- runEverything do
printAndFail 1
printAndFail 2
pure ()
_ <- runEverythingT do
printAndFail 3
printAndFail 4
pure ()
_ <- runEverythingT do
printAndFail 5
printAndFail 6
print "hello"
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