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Created January 31, 2011 16:05
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Complete Bijective of Naturals and Natural Pairs
import Control.Monad.Logic
import Data.Maybe
import Data.List
import Data.Numbers.Primes
import Test.QuickCheck
-- This program demonstrates a mapping between the pairs of natural numbers and a (nonstrict?) subset of co-primes.
-- The property should hold for all sized lists, not just pairs. Ordering is preserved.
-- Question: Are we able to compress the range to create a bijection?
-- Answer: Yes! We can use the breadth-wise indces of the products, rather than the products themselves.
-- Pair to Number
x_p = (evens !!)
y_p = (odds !!)
xy_p x y = x_p x * y_p y
xy_c x = ns_nc . xy_p x
-- Number to Pair
p_xy n = (x,y)
x = fromJust $ findIndex (`divides` n) evens
y = fromJust $ findIndex (`divides` n) odds
c_xy = p_xy . nc_ns
-- Sparse Number to Compact Number
numbers = odds >>- \x -> evens >>- \y -> return (x*y) -- I don't really understand LogicT...
ns_nc n = fromJust $ findIndex (==n) numbers
-- Compact Numner to Sparse Number
nc_ns = (numbers !!)
-- Helpers
evens = map (primes !!) [0,2..]
odds = map (primes !!) [1,3..]
x `divides` y = y `mod` x == 0
-- Id referencing properties
prop_p1 = forAll (elements [(x,y) | x <- [1..6], y <- [1..7]]) f
f (x,y) = (x,y) == c_xy (xy_c x y)
prop_p2 = forAll (elements [1..100]) f
f c = c == uncurry xy_c (c_xy c)
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