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Created February 13, 2011 16:39
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An OpenGL rendering of Wolfram's 1D celular automaton example on page 32 of A New Kind of Science - Rule 110
import Graphics.Rendering.OpenGL
import Graphics.UI.GLUT
import Data.IORef
main = do
pixels <- newIORef automata
createWindow "1D Finite Automata"
initialDisplayMode $= [DoubleBuffered]
initialWindowSize $= Size 400 400
displayCallback $= renderLoop pixels
renderLoop ioPixels = do
pixels <- cyclePixels ioPixels -- Main pixel-cycling logic
renderRows pixels -- Main drawing logic
renderRows rows = renderPrimitive Points (mapM_ renderRow $ zip [200,199..] rows)
renderRow (y,row) = mapM_ renderCell $ zip [-200,-199..] row
renderCell (x,c) = mkColor c >> v (x/200) (y/200)
mkColor True = color $ Color3 0 0 (0::GLdouble)
mkColor False = color $ Color3 1 0 (0::GLdouble)
v :: GLdouble -> GLdouble -> IO ()
v a b = vertex $ Vertex2 a b
cyclePixels ioPixels = do
allPixels <- readIORef ioPixels
thisSet <- return $ take 400 allPixels
nextSet <- return $ drop 400 allPixels
writeIORef ioPixels nextSet
return thisSet
-- Automata
triplify l = zip3
(tail (cycle l))
(False : l)
row1 = replicate 400 False
automata = iterate (map progression . triplify) row1
-- Cell successor function
progression (False,False,False) = True
progression (False,False,True) = False
progression (False,True, False) = False
progression (False,True, True) = True
progression (True, False,False) = False
progression (True, False,True) = False
progression (True, True, False) = False
progression (True, True, True) = True
-- Convenience Stuff
flushBefore = do
clear [ColorBuffer]
pointSize $= 1
flushAfter = do
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