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Last active January 1, 2020 11:06
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{-# LANGUAGE TupleSections #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
-- See also:
module Main where
import Graphics.Gloss
import Graphics.Gloss.Raster.Field
import System.Random
import Data.Semigroup
import GHC.Base (NonEmpty(..))
import qualified Linear.V2 as LV2
import qualified Linear.Metric as Metric
-- Data and instances
data Collection a = I ! a -- Either, a point
| T ! (Cut a) ! (Collection a) ! (Collection a) -- Or, a cut and a pair of collections
deriving (Show) -- The cut is represented by an origin, and a target.
-- Positivity is calculated by dot product.
-- The first target is arbitrary and will be the first point.
-- The pair of collections will be negative, then positive
type V2 = LV2.V2 Float
type Cut a = (a, a) -- Origin, Target
instance (Metric.Metric f, Ord a, Num a, Fractional (f a)) => Semigroup (Collection (f a)) where
I p <> T f a b
| positive p f = T f a (I p <> b)
| otherwise = T f (I p <> a) b
I p <> I q = T (mid p q, q) (I p) (I q)
T _ a b <> y = a <> (b <> y)
-- Definitions
positive :: (Ord a, Metric.Metric f, Num a, Num (f a)) => f a -> (f a, f a) -> Bool
positive p (o,t) = a b > 0
a = t - o
b = p - o
mid :: Fractional a => a -> a -> a
mid a b = (a + b) / 2
index :: (Metric.Metric f, Ord a, Num a, Fractional (f a)) => NonEmpty (f a) -> Collection (f a)
index = sconcat . fmap I
closest :: (Ord a, Metric.Metric f, Num a, Num (f a)) => f a -> Collection (f a) -> f a
closest _ (I p) = p
closest p (T f c1 c2)
| positive p f = closest p c2
| otherwise = closest p c1
-- Main and Top level Helpers
main :: IO ()
main = do
g <- randomRs (-1,1) <$> newStdGen
h <- randomRs (-1,1) <$> newStdGen
let ps' = zipWith LV2.V2 g h
let ps = head ps' :| take 200 (tail ps')
pp 0 $ index ps
animateField FullScreen (1,1) (\t p -> mkColor t (closest (uncurry LV2.V2 p) (index (mvPoints t ps)))) -- Show Nearest Point
pp :: Show a => Int -> Collection a -> IO ()
pp n (I p) = putStr (replicate n ' ') >> print p
pp n (T _ a b) = do
putStr (replicate n ' ') >> putStrLn "TL"
pp (n + 2) a
putStr (replicate n ' ') >> putStrLn "TR"
pp (n + 2) b
mvPoints :: (Functor f, Floating a) => a -> f (LV2.V2 a) -> f (LV2.V2 a)
mvPoints t ps = fmap (\(LV2.V2 x y) -> LV2.V2 ((sin (t + y) / 20) + x) ((sin (2 * t + x) / 20 + y))) ps
mkColor :: Float -> LV2.V2 Float -> Color
mkColor t (LV2.V2 x y) = rgb (foo x) (foo y) (foo (sin t)) where foo i = succ i / 2
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