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Created May 24, 2011 17:38
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Example of closable channels using forkJoin and random sleeps.
import Closable
import ForkJoin
import Control.Concurrent
import System.Random
import Control.Monad
main = do
c <- newChan :: IO (Chan (Maybe String))
forkIO $ getChanWhileJust c >>= mapM_ print
forkJoin [ foo c "test_a.txt"
, foo c "test_b.txt"]
writeChan c Nothing
foo c f = do
text <- fmap lines (readFile f)
rands <- fmap (randomRs (0::Float, 0.5)) newStdGen
zipWithM_ (bar c) rands text
bar c x y = do
threadDelay . floor . (* 10^6) $ x
writeChan c $ Just y
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