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Last active July 21, 2019 00:39
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{-# LANGUAGE BlockArguments #-}
module Main where
import Data.Char
import Data.List.Split
import qualified Data.Set
main :: IO ()
main = interact confluenceTableToDot
confluenceTableToDot :: String -> String
= unlines
. do \x -> ["digraph {",""] ++ x ++ ["","}"]
. do \x -> ["# Nodes:"] ++ concatMap fst x ++ ["", "# Edges:"] ++ concatMap snd x
. do \ls -> map (dottify (extractIDs ls)) ls
. groupify
extractIDs :: [[String]] -> Data.Set.Set String
extractIDs = Data.Set.fromList . filter (not . null) . map extractID
extractID :: [String] -> String
extractID [] = ""
extractID (l : _ls) = mkID l
-- All IDs -> Row Items -> (Nodes, Edges)
dottify :: Data.Set.Set String -> [String] -> ([String], [String])
dottify _ids [] = ([], [])
dottify _ids [x] = ([createNode x], [])
dottify ids l@(x : _xs) = ([createNode x], createEdge ids l)
createNode :: String -> String
createNode x = mkID x ++ " [ label=\"" ++ mkLabel x ++ "\" ]" ++ ";"
createEdge :: Data.Set.Set String -> [String] -> [String]
createEdge ids l@(x : _x : _xs)
| Data.Set.member (mkID (last l)) ids
= [ mkID x ++ " -> " ++ mkID (last l) ++ ";" ]
createEdge _ _ = []
mkID :: String -> String
mkID s = "id_" ++ filter isAlphaNum s
mkLabel :: String -> String
mkLabel = filter (/= '\"')
groupify :: String -> [[String]]
= strip
. map strip
. map (concatMap (splitOn "\t"))
. reverse
. map reverse
. parse []
. lines
parse :: [[String]] -> [String] -> [[String]]
parse acc [] = acc
parse acc (l@(x : _xs) : ls)
| null l = parse acc ls
| all isSpace l = parse acc ls
| not (isSpace x) = parse ([l] : acc) ls
parse [] _ls = error "shouldn't hit this"
parse (a : as) (l : ls) = parse ((l : a) : as) ls
strip :: [[a]] -> [[a]]
strip = filter (not . null)
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