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Last active August 24, 2020 02:37
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{-# LANGUAGE FunctionalDependencies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
-- Wrong!
class K k a b c d e | e -> b where (...) :: k a b -> k c d -> k c e
instance {-# OVERLAPS #-} (a~d2, b~e2, d1~e1) => K (->) a b c (d1->d2) (e1->e2) where g ... f = \x -> g ... (f x)
instance {-# OVERLAPPING #-} (a~d, b~e) => K (->) a b c d e where g ... f = g . f
plus2 :: Int -> Int
plus2 = succ ... succ
add :: Int -> Int -> Int
add = succ ... (+)
-- Compositional version of C:
-- Non-Recursive instance (b ~ c, b' ~ c', b'' ~ a, c'' ~ a') => J (a -> a') (b -> (b' -> b'')) (c -> c' -> c'') where f .... g = \x -> f .... (g x)
-- instance (c ~ (b -> k), J a b' k ) => J a (b -> b') c where f .... g = \x -> f .... (g x)
-- instance (J a b' c', c ~ (b -> c') ) => J a (b -> b') c where f .... g = \x -> f .... (g x)
infixl 1 ....
class J f g h | f g -> h where (....) :: f -> g -> h
instance (J a b' c', b ~ c ) => J a (b -> b') (c -> c') where f .... g = \x -> f .... (g x)
instance {-# INCOHERENT #-} ( a ~ b', b ~ c, a' ~ c') => J (a -> a') (b -> b') (c -> c') where f .... g = f . g
foo1, foo2, foo3 :: Int -> Int
foo1 = succ
foo2 = succ .... succ
foo3 = succ .... (succ .... succ :: Int -> Int)
-- instance (J a@(String -> String) b'@(Char -> String) c'@(Char->String), b@Int ~ c@Int)
-- => J a@(String -> String) (b@Int -> b'@(Char -> String)) (c@Int -> c'@(Char -> String)) where f .... g = \x -> f .... (g x)
add' :: Int -> Int -> Int
add' = (succ :: Int -> Int) .... ((+) :: Int -> Int -> Int)
tada' :: Int -> Char -> String
tada' = (take 3 :: String -> String) .... (replicate :: Int -> Char -> String)
-- mul' :: Int -> Int -> Int -> Int
-- mul' = succ .... (\x y z -> x + y * z)
-- From
infixl 1 .~
class C f g h | f g -> h where (.~) :: f -> g -> h
-- (a -> a') (b -> a) (b -> a')
-- instance (a ~ b', b ~ c, a' ~ c') => C (a -> a') (b -> b') (c -> c') where (f .~ g) a = f .~ g a -- Simple version
-- instance (k ~ (a -> h), C f g h) => C f (a -> g) k where (f .~ g) a = f .~ g a
instance (C a b' c', b ~ c) => C a (b -> b') (c -> c') where (f .~ g) a = f .~ g a
instance {-# InCoHeReNt #-} (a ~ c, b ~ d) => C (a -> b) c d where (.~) = ($)
foo :: Int
foo = succ .~ 2
tada :: Int -> a -> [a]
tada = take 3 .~ replicate
greet :: String -> String -> String
greet = (++ "!") .~ \fore sur -> fore <> " " <> sur
mul :: Int -> Int -> Int -> Int
mul = succ .~ (\x y z -> x + y * z)
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