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* Les: Getting more comfortable with HoTT - Talk: "Bluffers Guide to HoTT"
History - Barber's Paradoxes, etc.
Russell stratifying set theory
Martin Löf in the 1970s
In TT - Say term x is of type t -> `x : t`
This is a judgement
Curry howard - Types and terms = Conjecture/proposition and Proof
Things become interesting in the presence of equality
equality is always with respect to some type
exists t -> x:t = y:t
can also think of this as a type: The type of all proofs that x=y
e.g. 2+3 = 3+2
Proof by reduciton
Proof by commutivity of addition
In TT you can have different proofs of things being equal,
or think of things being equal in two different ways
Proofs are also terms, so you can discuss equality of proofs
There is a structure where you can have different proofs of a proposition,
but those proofs may or may not be "equal"
topology or homotopy analogies come into play here
Equality proofs are paths in the space of objects
There can also be paths between paths equating proofs
There is an infinite hierarchy of these correspondence proofs
Ties into Vladimir Vodovosky's work - Univalence Axiom
Isomorphism and equality aren't always the same thing
Mathematicians sometimes will after proof of isomorphism treat objects as equal,
and lose the provenance
"Equivalence is equivalent to equality" - Formalised in TT
This is useful because it provides a fomal basis for common idioms in mathematics
HoTT people are promoting HoTT as a new foundation of Math
Vod: Provides a better foundation for mathematics and points out that it matches
the practice of mathematicians better
No types in ST
"Doing math in ST is like programming
in machine code and doing it in TT is like using a HL language"
UniMath - Coq library that formalises a lot of math as code
HoTT people did the development of the book as a colab through git!
100s of mathematicians contributed
Two formulations of the reals
- Cauchy sequences
- Dedekind cuts
In traditional math these are two approaches to the same thing
Some work in HoTT was to define both of these in terms of TT and
shown to be inequivalent without LEM
i.e. decidable, vs. undecidable
Proof by contradiction
One of the problems with HOTT - when invoking univalent axiom you lose computability of proofs
Bob Harper developed similar approach - CCTT "Cartesian Cubical Type Theory"
A slightly different approach that preserves computation.
Back to LEM - In TT - Based on intuitionistic logic - Two things can happen
- LEM not baked in but can assume if convenient
- In many situations you can prove LEM in certain circumstances WO axiom
E.g. Nats
In FO Predicate calculus LEM baked in
Often told "in constructive logic you can't use proof by contradiction"
That's a characature of the actual situation - of course you can use it in TT - it's definitional
In constructive logic - while you can't prove p by assuming not p and arriving at contradition,
But you can prove not p by equivalent procedure
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