Thanks Matt!
That is certainly a valid argument regarding implicit many-many relations, but not for the reason you have described. As I wrote in 339, I think implicit many-many is a solved problem: Introspection and Lift should both simply follow our convention when printing and reading the schema.
The main reason I am interested in including the implicit many-many syntax is that they enable a simpler Photon API for the majority that does not need extra fields on the relation table.
model User {
posts Post[]
model Post {
user User
title String
model User {
posts UserPost[]
model UserPost {
user User
post Post
model Post {
user User
title String
prisma.users.findOne(..., include: {posts: {post: true}}).posts()[0].post.title
So, the call to make is wether the gain from simpler Photon API is worth the extra complexity in the Schema (having both implicit and explicit many-many is more complex than just having the explicit version).