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Created July 23, 2015 18:12
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Backbone / DOM Bindings
* (c) 2015 Beau Sorensen
* MIT Licensed
* For all details and documentation:
// TODO: Verify on-change detection for all HTML element types
;(function() {
'use strict'
* Module dependencies.
var _ = this._
* Tendon constructor
* @param {Object|String} HTML bounding, jQuery object or selector
* @param {Object} rendering / update context object
* @param {Object} options hash
* - `prefix` {String} custom dom selector prefix (optional, default `tendon-`)
* HTML element attributes used:
* `tendon-subscribe` {String} list of model events to listen to in the format `model.event:property`
* `tendon-publish` {String} list of model events to publish HTML changes to
* `tendon-auto-render` {Boolean} flag to signal initial rendering call, use if the data already exists in the `context` and the page was not bootstrapped with content
* `tendon-template` {String} jQuery selector for underscore template, if set this will be run with the provided `context` and set as the inner HTML
* `tendon-set-value` {String} model attribute or method to be used as direct value
* `tendon-set-attribute` {String} element attribute to assign value to, innerHTML is set if not specified
* `tendon-listen-to` {String} jQuery selector to specify a child element(s) to listen for changes, instead of the current element
* `tendon-uuid` {String} internally set UUID to identify source of HTML update events
* Example usage:
* <script type="text/html" id="my-list-template">
* {{ var active = __.sessionModel.get('menuItem') }}
* {{ __.appModel.get('menuItems').forEach(function(item) { }}
* <li {{= (item === cur) ? 'class="active"' : '' }}>{{ item }}</li>
* {{ }) }}
* </script>
* <ul
* tendon-subscribe="appModel:menuItems, sessionModel:menuItem"
* tendon-publish="sessionModel:menuItem"
* tendon-auto-render="true"
* tendon-template="script#my-list-template"
* tendon-set-value="false"
* tendon-set-attribute=""
* tendon-listen-to="li"
* tendon-uuid="tendon-3"
* />
* Any element found within the given HTML context will be setup
* automatically, and bound to the given context.
function Tendon($main, context, options) {
var self = this
_.extend(this, Backbone.Events)
// Cache selector, create jQuery context if string provided
this.$main = typeof $main === 'string' ? $($main) : $main
this.context = context || {}
this.options = options || {}
var pre = this.prefix = this.options.prefix || 'tendon-'
// Find all HTML elements with tendon-based properties, run
// each element found through setup process
var selector = [
, 'set-value'
, 'set-attribute'
, 'listen-to'
, 'auto-render'
, 'publish'
, 'subscribe'
].map(function(prop) {
return '[' + pre + prop + ']'
var $found = $main.find(selector)
this.log('[Tendon.init] found: ', selector, $found)
$found.each(function(i, el) {
* Logging helper, send to console if `debug` mode is enabled
* @param {Any} args to send to `console.log`
* @chainable
Tendon.prototype.log = function() {
// if (!this.options.debug) return this
console.log.apply(console, arguments)
return this
* Find an embedded underscore template within the HTML context,
* and create a template function with its content
* @param {String} template selector
* @return {Function} template function
Tendon.prototype.getTemplate = function(selector) {
var $tmpl = this.$main.find(selector)
, str = $tmpl.html()
if (!str) {
this.log('getTemplate: ', $el, selector)
throw new Error('Invalid template: ' + selector)
// Simple template settings. {{ }} vs <% %>
return _.template(str, {
variable: '__'
, evaluate: /\{\{(.+?)\}\}/g
, interpolate: /\{\{=(.+?)\}\}/g
, escape: /\{\{-(.+?)\}\}/g
* Get the Backbone value for a given element defined in the
* `tendon-set-value` attribute. Can be direct property or method.
* Example:
* method: <div tendon-set-value="model:getSites" />
* property: <div tendon-set-value="model:sites" />
* @param {Object} jQuery selector
* @return {Any} model value
Tendon.prototype.getValue = function($el) {
var setValue = $el.attr(this.prefix + 'set-value')
, split = setValue.split(':')
, from = this.context[split[0]]
, prop = split[1]
if (_.isFunction(from[prop])) return from[prop]() // 'model:getSites'
return from.get(prop) // model:sites
* Setup JS to HTML change subscriptions
* @chainable
Tendon.prototype.updateElement = function($el) {
var pre = this.prefix
, tmpl = $el.attr(pre + 'template')
, setValue = $el.attr(pre + 'set-value')
, setAttr = $el.attr(pre + 'set-attribute')
, id = $el.attr('id')
this.log('[Tendon.updateElement] id=`%s`', id)
if (tmpl) tmpl = this.getTemplate(tmpl)
// Get the new value to use from either the template,
// or the specified direct value from an object in the context
var tmp
if (tmpl) tmp = tmpl(this.context)
else if (setValue) tmp = this.getValue($el)
// Update the element
if (setAttr) {
$el.attr(setAttr, tmp || '')
} else if (tmpl) {
} else if ($'input, select, textarea')) {
} else {
if (id) {
this.log('[Tendon.updateElement] id=' + id, $el)
this.trigger('updateElement:' + id, $el)
return this
* TODO: Ensure all HTML element change events are captured
* Setup HTML to JS publishing, listen to the given element or
* a custom child element for changes
* Example:
* <input tendon-publish="model:property" />
* <ul tendon-listen-to="li" />
* @param {Object} jQuery selector
* @chainable
Tendon.prototype.setupPublish = function($el) {
var self = this
, pre = this.prefix
, pubs = $el.attr(pre + 'publish')
, listenTo = $el.attr(pre + 'listen-to')
if (!pubs) return this
// Form input element, listen to the `change` event
if ($'input, select, textarea')) {
$el.on('change', function() {
// Custom `listenTo` attribute, bind to `click` event
} else if (listenTo) {
$el.on('click', listenTo, function(e) {
var $child = $(
// if (listenTo === 'button') {
// console.log('LISTEN TO TRIGGER: ', listenTo, $el, e, $child)
// }
self.onHTMLChange($el, $child)
// Default listen mode, bind to `click` event
} else {
$el.on('click', function() {
return this
* HTML change handler
* Example:
* <div tendon-publish="" />
* <div tendon-listen-to="" />
* @chainable
Tendon.prototype.onHTMLChange = function($el, $child) {
var self = this
, pre = this.prefix
, $target = $child || $el
, pubs = $el.attr(pre + 'publish') || ''
, listenTo = $el.attr(pre + 'listen-to')
, uuid =$el)
this.log('Tendon.onHTMLChange: ', $el)
// TODO: Verify the `html` vs. `data` method usage here is correct
var val
if ($'input, select, textarea')) val = $target.val()
else if (listenTo) val = $
else val = $target.html()
pubs.split(',').forEach(function(pub) {
var cmd = pub.split(':')
, subject = self.context[cmd[0]]
, prop = cmd[1]
// Set the Backbone model value, sending the current HTML element
// UUID as the source to prevent circular update logic
subject.set(prop, val, { source: uuid })
return this
* Setup HTML to JS change subscriptions, using the `tendon-subscribe`
* attribute as a CSV list of events to listen to. Values found are
* fed directly into the Backbone event system
* Example:
* <div tendon-subscribe="model.change:title change:author" />
* <div tendon-subscribe="state.change:version" />
* @param {Object} jQuery selector
* @chainable
Tendon.prototype.setupSubscribe = function($el) {
var self = this
, subs = $el.attr(this.prefix + 'subscribe') || ''
subs.split(',').forEach(function(sub) {
var cmd = sub.split('.')
, name = cmd[0]
, event = cmd[1]
, subject = self.context[name]
if (!subject) {
throw new Error('Invalid subject: ' + sub)
self.log('subscribing to: obj=`%s` event=`%s` id=`%s`', name, event, $el.attr('id'))
subject.on(event, function(model, changed, options) {
self.onJSChange($el, model, changed, options)
return this
* JS triggered change, ensure the source of the event is not the
* element we are about to update
* @param {Object} jQuery selector
* @param {Object} Backbone model
* @param {Object} changed attributes hash
* @param {Object} change event options
Tendon.prototype.onJSChange = function($el, model, changed, options) {
var uuid =$el)
// Short out if the element was the original trigger
if (options && options.source === uuid) return this
return this.updateElement($el)
* Element setup, find all custom HTML attributes for a given element
* and run it through all sub-setup processes
* Example:
* <div tendon-subscribe="model.change:property change:author" />
* <div tendon-publish="model:property" />
* <div tendon-auto-render="true" />
* @param {Object} jQuery element
* @chainable
Tendon.prototype.setup = function(el) {
var $el = $(el)
, pre = this.prefix
, id = $el.attr('id')
, subs = $el.attr(pre + 'subscribe')
, pubs = $el.attr(pre + 'publish')
, auto = $el.attr(pre + 'auto-render')
// , tmpl = $el.attr(pre + 'template')
// , setValue = $el.attr(pre + 'set-value')
// , setClass = $el.attr(pre + 'set-class')
// , listenTo = $el.attr(pre + 'listen-to')
// , uuid =$el)
this.log('[Tendon.setup] id=`%s` subs=`%s` pubs=`%s` auto=`%s`', id, subs, pubs, auto)
// Check for initial auto-render
if (auto) this.updateElement($el)
if (subs) this.setupSubscribe($el)
if (pubs) this.setupPublish($el)
return this
* Find the UUID of a given element, create a new one if one is
* not found, used to prevent circular update logic.
* Example:
* <div tendon-uuid="12305982-ab23" />
* @param {Object} jQuery element
* @return {String} uuid
*/ = function($el) {
var q = this.prefix + 'uuid'
, uuid = $el.attr(q)
if (!uuid) {
uuid = _.uniqueId(this.prefix)
$el.attr(q, uuid)
return uuid
* Module exports
if (typeof exports !== 'undefined') {
module.exports = Tendon
} else {
this.Tendon = Tendon
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