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Last active January 16, 2020 16:12
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Ruby add subdomain to URL
# WAY 1
url = ''
subdomain = 'blog'
index = url.index('://www.') ? url.index('://www.') + 7 : url.index('://') + 3
url.insert(index, subdomain + '.')
p url
# WAY 2
url = ''
subdomain = 'blog'
address = url.include?('://www.') ? url.partition('://www.').last : url.partition('://').last
url.gsub!(address, subdomain + '.' + address)
p url
# WAY 3
url = ''
subdomain = 'blog'
url.include?('://www.') ? url.gsub!('://www.', "://www.#{subdomain}.") : url.gsub!('://', "://#{subdomain}.")
p url
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