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Last active January 26, 2022 14:40
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Kotlin - favorite
* List literals and List.get extensions
object L {
// L[1,2,3,4]
inline operator fun <T> get(vararg a:T): List<T> = listOf(*a)
// aList[0..3]
// aList[0 until 3]
inline operator fun <T> List<T>.get(range: IntRange) : List<T> = slice(range)
// aList[3 downTo 0]
inline operator fun <T> List<T>.get(range: Iterable<Int>) : List<T> = slice(range)
* A succinct (but not very efficient) quick sort. The line:
* <pre>drop(1).partition { it <= pivot }</pre>
* is particularly expensive as drop() generates a new list and partition() two more.
* Also the choice of pivot is very naive.
fun <T : Comparable<T>> quickSort(list: List<T>): List<T> =
with(list) {
if (size < 2) this
else {
val pivot = first()
val (smaller, greater) = drop(1).partition { it <= pivot }
quickSort(smaller) + pivot + quickSort(greater)
* A succinct (but not very efficient) power set implementation.
* Can be made tail recursive. Funnily having the set argument being of type Set introduces
* some complications.
fun <T> powerset(set: Collection<T>): Set<Set<T>> =
if (set.isEmpty()) setOf(emptySet())
else {
powerset(set.drop(1)).let {
it + { it + set.first() }
* All permutations of {0..n-1} so that
* permutations(3) = [[2, 1, 0], [1, 0, 2], [0, 2, 1], [1, 2, 0], [2, 0, 1], [0, 1, 2]]
typealias Permutation = List<Int>
fun permutations(n: Int): List<Permutation> {
fun insert(element: Int, perm: Permutation): List<Permutation> =
(0..perm.size).map { perm.drop(it) + element + perm.dropLast(perm.size - it) }
fun permutations(perm: Permutation): List<Permutation> =
when (perm.size) {
0 -> listOf(emptyList())
else -> permutations(perm.drop(1)).flatMap { p -> insert(perm.first(), p) }
return permutations(List(n) { i -> i })
* Binary search
tailrec fun binSearc(a: IntArray, l: Int = 0, r: Int = a.size-1, v: Int): Int {
if (r >= l) {
return (l + (r - l) / 2).let {
when {
v < a[it] -> binSearc(a, l, it - 1, v)
v > a[it] -> binSearc(a, it + 1, r, v)
else -> it
return (-l - 1)
* Fibonacci recursive and O(n)
fun fib(
n: Int,
seq: MutableMap<Int, Int> = mutableMapOf(0 to 0, 1 to 1)
): Int =
seq.getOrPut(n) {
seq.getOrPut(n - 1) { fib(n - 1) } + seq.getOrPut(n - 2) { fib(n - 2) }
* Binomial coefficent
fun binomial(n: Int, k: Int): BigInteger {
val map = mutableMapOf<Pair<BigInteger, BigInteger>, BigInteger>()
fun binomial(x: Pair<BigInteger, BigInteger>): BigInteger {
val (n, k) = x
if (k == ZERO || n == k) {
return ONE
return map.getOrPut(x) { binomial(Pair(n - ONE, k)) + binomial(Pair(n - ONE, k - ONE)) }
return binomial(Pair(n.toBigInteger(), k.toBigInteger()))
/** Cartesian product **/
fun cproduct(vararg data: Iterable<Any>): List<List<String>> = cproduct(data.asList())
fun cproduct(data: List<Iterable<Any>>): List<List<String>> =
when (data.size) {
1 -> data.first().map { listOf("$it") }
else -> {
val head = data.first()
val res = cproduct(data.drop(1))
head.flatMap { h -> { r -> r + "$h" } }
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