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Forked from TechnologistAU/wordpress-install.ps1
Created October 27, 2018 20:23
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WordPress Installation Script for Windows Server 2016 and Windows 10 (PowerShell)
===== WordPress Installation Script for Windows Server 2016 and Windows 10 =====
========================= Download File Helper Function ========================
function DownloadFileHelper
[parameter (mandatory=$true, Position=0)]
[string] $downloadUri,
[parameter (mandatory=$true)]
[string] $downloadedFileName
if (!(Test-Path $downloadedFileName))
Write-Host " - Downloading"
Invoke-WebRequest $downloadUri -OutFile $downloadedFileName
Write-Host " - This file already exists"
return $downloadedFileName
"`r`nWordPress Installation Script for Windows Server 2016 and Windows 10"
cd ~\Downloads
======================== Internet Information Services =========================
"`r`nInternet Information Server ..."
" - Installing Features"
if ((Get-CimInstance Win32_OperatingSystem).ProductType -eq 1) {
# Windows Client
Enable-WindowsOptionalFeature -FeatureName `
IIS-WebServerRole,IIS-WebServer,IIS-CommonHttpFeatures,IIS-StaticContent, `
IIS-DefaultDocument,IIS-DirectoryBrowsing,IIS-HttpErrors, `
IIS-ApplicationDevelopment,IIS-CGI,IIS-HealthAndDiagnostics, `
IIS-HttpLogging,IIS-LoggingLibraries,IIS-RequestMonitor,IIS-Security, `
IIS-RequestFiltering,IIS-Performance,IIS-HttpCompressionStatic, `
IIS-WebServerManagementTools,IIS-ManagementConsole,IIS-ManagementService, `
WAS-WindowsActivationService,WAS-ProcessModel,WAS-NetFxEnvironment, `
WAS-ConfigurationAPI,NetFx3 -Online -All -Source D:\Sources\sxs | Out-Null
else {
# Windows Server
Install-WindowsFeature `
Web-Server,Web-Common-Http,Web-Static-Content,Web-Default-Doc, `
Web-Dir-Browsing,Web-Http-Errors,Web-App-Dev,Web-CGI,Web-Health, `
Web-Http-Logging,Web-Log-Libraries,Web-Request-Monitor,Web-Security, `
Web-Filtering,Web-Performance,Web-Stat-Compression,Web-Mgmt-Tools, `
Web-Mgmt-Service,WAS,WAS-Process-Model,WAS-NET-Environment, `
WAS-Config-APIs,Net-Framework-Core -IncludeManagementTools | Out-Null
# Enable Remote Management Service
" - Enabling Remote Management"
Set-ItemProperty HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\WebManagement\Server EnableRemoteManagement 1
Set-Service WMSVC -StartupType Automatic
Start-Service WMSVC
# Download and install the "URL Rewrite 2.1" Extension for IIS
"`r`nURL Rewrite 2.1 Extension for IIS ..."
$DOWNLOAD_NAME = DownloadFileHelper "" -downloadedFileName "rewrite_amd64.msi"
" - Installing"
Start-Process "msiexec.exe" "/i $DOWNLOAD_NAME /qn" -Wait
==================== File System Security PowerShell Module ====================
# Download and extract the "File System Security PowerShell Module"
"`r`nFile System Security PowerShell Module ..."
if (!(Get-Module "NTFSSecurity"))
" - Installing"
Install-Module NTFSSecurity | Out-Null
" - This module already exists"
===================== Visual C++ Redistributable Packages ======================
# Download and install the Visual C++ 2013 Redistributable (required for MySQL)
"`r`nVisual C++ 2013 Redistributable ..."
$DOWNLOAD_NAME = DownloadFileHelper "" -downloadedFileName "vc_redist_2013_x64.exe"
" - Installing"
Start-Process $DOWNLOAD_NAME "/Q"
# Download and install the Visual C++ 2015 Redistributable (required for PHP 7.x)
"`r`nVisual C++ 2015 Redistributable ..."
$DOWNLOAD_NAME = DownloadFileHelper "" -downloadedFileName "vc_redist_2015_x64.exe"
" - Installing"
Start-Process $DOWNLOAD_NAME "/Q"
============================== MySQL Server 5.7 ================================
# Set temporary variables to be used during MySQL installation
$MYSQL_ZIP = "mysql-8.0.13-winx64"
$MYSQL_URL = "$"
$MYSQL_PROD = "$MYSQL_NAME Server 8.0"
$MYSQL_PATH = "$env:ProgramFiles\$MYSQL_NAME"
$MYSQL_INIT = "$MYSQL_PDTA\mysql-init.sql"
# Download and install MySQL
"`r`n$MYSQL_PROD ..."
$DOWNLOAD_NAME = DownloadFileHelper "$MYSQL_URL" -downloadedFileName "$"
" - Expanding"
Expand-Archive "$" "$MYSQL_PATH"
" - Renaming destination directory"
# Add the MySQL “bin” directory to the search Path variable
" - Setting PATH variable"
$env:Path += ";$MYSQL_BASE\bin"
setx Path $env:Path /m
# Create a MySQL Option File
" - Creating MY.INI"
Set-Content "$MYSQL_BASE\my.ini" "[mysqld]`r`nbasedir=""$MYSQL_BASE""`r`ndatadir=""$MYSQL_DATA""`r`nexplicit_defaults_for_timestamp=1"
# Create the MySQL database directory
" - Creating database directory"
New-Item $MYSQL_DATA -ItemType "Directory" | Out-Null
# Initialise the MySQL database files
" - Initialising database directory"
mysqld --initialize-insecure # --console
# Install MySQL as a Windows service
" - Installing MySQL as Windows Service"
mysqld --install
# Start the MySQL service
" - Starting MySQL Windows Service"
Start-Service MySQL
# Generate random passwords for 'root' and 'wordpress' accounts
Add-Type -AssemblyName System.Web
$MYSQL_ROOT_PWD = [System.Web.Security.Membership]::GeneratePassword(18,3)
$MYSQL_WORD_PWD = [System.Web.Security.Membership]::GeneratePassword(18,3)
# Create a MySQL initialisation script
" - Generating initialisation script"
Set-Content $MYSQL_INIT "ALTER USER 'root'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY '$MYSQL_ROOT_PWD';"
Add-Content $MYSQL_INIT "CREATE DATABASE wordpress;"
Add-Content $MYSQL_INIT "CREATE USER 'wordpress'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY '$MYSQL_WORD_PWD';"
Add-Content $MYSQL_INIT "GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON wordpress.* TO 'wordpress'@'localhost';"
# Execute the MySQL initialisation script
" - Executing initialisation script"
mysql --user=root --execute="source $MYSQL_INIT"
# Delete the MySQL initialisation script
" - Deleting initialisation script"
Remove-Item $MYSQL_INIT
=================================== PHP 7.1 ====================================
# Set temporary variables to be used during PHP installation
$PHP_ZIP = ""
$PHP_PATH = "$env:ProgramFiles\PHP\v7.1"
$PHP_DATA = "$env:ProgramData\PHP\v7.1"
$WINCACHE = "wincache-"
# Download and install PHP
"`r`nPHP 7.1 ..."
$DOWNLOAD_NAME = DownloadFileHelper "$PHP_ZIP" -downloadedFileName "$PHP_ZIP"
" - Expanding"
Expand-Archive "$PHP_ZIP" "$PHP_PATH"
" - Creating PHP.INI"
Copy-Item "$PHP_PATH\php.ini-production" "$PHP_PATH\php.ini"
# Download and install WinCache
"`r`nWinCache 2.0 ..."
$DOWNLOAD_NAME = DownloadFileHelper "$WINCACHE.exe" -downloadedFileName "$WINCACHE.exe"
" - Expanding"
Start-Process "$WINCACHE.exe" "/Q /C /T:""$env:USERPROFILE\Downloads\$WINCACHE""" -Wait
" - Installing"
Copy-Item "$WINCACHE\php_wincache.dll" "$PHP_PATH\ext\php_wincache.dll"
" - Removing temporary files"
Remove-Item "$WINCACHE" -Recurse -Force
# Download and install PHP Manager for IIS
"`r`nPHP Manager for IIS 1.4.0 ..."
$DOWNLOAD_NAME = DownloadFileHelper "" -downloadedFileName "PHPManagerForIIS-1.4.0-x64.msi"
" - Installing"
Start-Process "msiexec.exe" "/i $DOWNLOAD_NAME /qn" -Wait
" - Waiting"
Start-Sleep -s 5
"`r`nConfigure PHP with IIS ..."
# Add the PHP Manager PowerShell Snap-In
Add-PsSnapin PHPManagerSnapin
# Register PHP with Internet Information Services (IIS)
New-PHPVersion "$PHP_PATH\php-cgi.exe"
# Configure various PHP extensions
Set-PHPExtension php_wincache.dll Enabled
Set-PHPExtension php_mysql.dll Disabled
# Configure various PHP settings
Set-PHPSetting date.timezone UTC
Set-PHPSetting upload_max_filesize 20M
# Relocate the PHP "Logs" directory
New-Item $PHP_LOGS -ItemType Directory | Out-Null
Set-PHPSetting error_log "$PHP_LOGS\php_errors.log"
# Relocate the PHP “Upload” directory to address potential media permission issues
New-Item $PHP_UPLOAD -ItemType Directory | Out-Null
Set-PHPSetting upload_tmp_dir "$PHP_UPLOAD"
================================== WordPress ===================================
# Set temporary variables to be used during the WordPress installation
$IIS_PATH = "$env:SystemDrive\inetpub"
# Download and install WordPress
"`r`nWordPress ..."
$DOWNLOAD_NAME = DownloadFileHelper "$WORDPRESS_URL" -downloadedFileName "$WORDPRESS_ZIP"
" - Expanding"
Expand-Archive "$WORDPRESS_ZIP" "$IIS_PATH"
# Grant the IIS_IUSRS and IUSR accounts Modify rights to the WordPress directory
" - Appying NTFS Permissions (IIS_IUSRS)"
" - Appying NTFS Permissions (IUSR)"
# Create a new Internet Information Services application pool for WordPress
" - Creating Application Pool"
$WebAppPool = New-WebAppPool "WordPress"
$WebAppPool.managedPipelineMode = "Classic"
$WebAppPool.managedRuntimeVersion = ""
$WebAppPool | Set-Item
# Create a new Internet Information Services website for WordPress
" - Creating WebSite"
New-Website "WordPress" -ApplicationPool "WordPress" -PhysicalPath "$WORDPRESS_PATH" | Out-Null
# Remove the “Default Web Site” and start the new “WordPress” website
" - Activating WebSite"
Remove-Website "Default Web Site"
Start-Website "WordPress"
"`r`nInstallation Complete!`r`n"
"MySQL Accounts"
" root = $MYSQL_ROOT_PWD"
" wordpress = $MYSQL_WORD_PWD"
$IPADDRESS = (Get-NetIPAddress | ? {($_.AddressFamily -eq "IPv4") -and ($_.IPAddress -ne "")}).IPAddress
"`r`nConnect your web browser to http://$IPADDRESS/ to complete this WordPress`r`ninstallation.`r`n"
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