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Created April 3, 2013 09:48
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Check python indentation rules
(ns pyindent.core)
(def tabsize 8)
(defn tabulate [column]
(- (+ column tabsize)
(rem column tabsize)))
(defn indent-level [^String line]
(let [[_ spaces] (re-matches #"^(\s*).*" line)]
(reduce (fn [level space]
((if (= \tab space) tabulate inc)
0 spaces)))
(defn non-empty? [^String line]
(not (.. line trim isEmpty)))
(defn increment [[level1 level2]]
(- level2 level1))
(defn indentations [lines]
(->> lines
(filter non-empty?)
(map indent-level)
(cons 0)
(partition 2 1)
(map increment)))
(defn drop-upto [elem aseq]
(rest (drop-while #(not= elem %)
(defn valid-indentation? [lines]
(let [indents (indentations lines)
final-stack (reduce
(fn [stack indent]
(empty? stack) (reduced stack)
(pos? indent) (conj stack indent)
(neg? indent) (drop-upto (- indent) stack)
:else stack))
(list 0)
(and (zero? (first indents))
(not (empty? final-stack)))))
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