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Created June 12, 2013 09:02
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Save sortega/5763859 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Osmos problem from Google Code Jam used as a programming kata for the FP community of TID.
(ns osmos.core)
(defn absorb [[size additions] mote]
(loop [size size
additions additions]
(< size 2) [size Double/POSITIVE_INFINITY]
(< mote size) [(+ size mote) additions]
:else (recur (+ size (dec size))
(inc additions)))))
(defn absorb-changes [size motes]
(map second (reductions absorb [size 0] motes)))
(defn delete-changes [motes] (range (count motes) -1 -1))
(defn changes [size motes]
(let [sorted-motes (sort motes)]
(mapv + (absorb-changes size sorted-motes)
(delete-changes sorted-motes))))
(defn min-fix [size motes]
(apply min (changes size motes)))
;; I/O
(defn parse-nums [line]
(map read-string (re-seq #"\d+" line)))
(defn parse-input [input]
(let [[header & lines] (clojure.string/split-lines input)]
(fn [[line1 line2]]
[(-> line1 parse-nums first)
(-> line2 parse-nums vec)])
(partition 2 lines))))
(defn format-output [solutions]
(fn [idx sol] (format "Case #%d: %d\n" (inc idx) sol))
(defn solve [in out]
(->> (slurp in)
(map #(apply min-fix %))
(spit out)))
(solve "/Users/sortega/Downloads/" "/Users/sortega/Downloads/A-small-practice.out")
(solve "/Users/sortega/Downloads/" "/Users/sortega/Downloads/A-large-practice.out")
(ns osmos.test.core
(:use midje.sweet
(fact "A mote of size 1 cannot absorb anything"
(second (absorb [1 0] 1)) => Double/POSITIVE_INFINITY
(second (absorb [1 0] 10)) => Double/POSITIVE_INFINITY)
(fact "A mote can absorb any smaller one without help"
(absorb [2 0] 1) => [3 0])
(fact "A mote can absorb bigger or equal motes by adding
intermediate motes"
(absorb [4 10] 4) => [(+ 4 3 4) 11]
(absorb [4 20] 10) => [(+ 4 3 6 10) 22]
(absorb [4 30] 100) => [(+ 4 3 6 12 24 48 96 100) 36])
(fact "Absorb a mote and discard one less in each step"
(absorb-changes 2 [1 1 2 4]) => [0 0 0 0 0]
(absorb-changes 2 [1 1 10 10]) => [0 0 0 2 2]
(delete-changes [1 1 10 10]) => [4 3 2 1 0])
(fact "Additions and deletes are changes"
(changes 2 [1 10 1 10]) => [(+ 0 4)
(+ 0 3)
(+ 0 2)
(+ 2 1)
(+ 2 0)])
(fact "Fix by adding or deleting as few motes as possible"
(fix 2 [1 1 2 4]) => 0
(fix 2 [1 1 2 6]) => 1
(fix 1 [1 1 2 6]) => 4
(fix 2 [1 1 2 20]) => 1
(fix 2 [1 10 50 100]) => 3
(fix 2 [10 1 50 100]) => 3
(fix 2 [1 1 1 5 6 100 100]) => 3
(fix 2 [2 1]) => 0
(fix 2 [2 1 1 6]) => 1
(fix 10 [25 20 9 100]) => 2
(fix 1 [1 1 1 1]) => 4)
(fact "Parse a line of numbers"
(parse-nums "1 2 3") => [1 2 3])
(fact "Parse a complete input"
(parse-input "2
2 4
1 1 1 6
3 5
1 1 10 3 1") =>
[[2 [1 1 1 6]]
[3 [1 1 10 3 1]]])
(fact "Format output"
(format-output [0 1]) => "Case #1: 0\nCase #2: 1\n")
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