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Created June 22, 2013 16:36
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NameInverter in Scala by me
package cleancode
object NameInverter {
def apply(name: String): String =
swapFirstAndLast(splitName(name).dropWhile(isHonorific)).mkString(" ")
def swapFirstAndLast(parts: List[String]) = parts match {
case first :: last :: postNominals => last + "," :: first :: postNominals
case _ => parts
private def splitName(name: String) = name.trim().split("\\s+").toList
private def isHonorific(word: String) = word.matches("Mr\\.|Ms\\.")
package cleancode
import org.scalatest.FlatSpec
import org.scalatest.matchers.MustMatchers
class NameInverterTest extends FlatSpec with MustMatchers {
"The name inverter" must "return empty string given an empty string" in {
NameInverter("") must be ("")
it must "return simple names as they are" in {
NameInverter("Name") must be ("Name")
it must "return remove extra spaces" in {
NameInverter(" Name ") must be ("Name")
it must "return last, first for full names" in {
NameInverter("First Last") must be ("Last, First")
it must "ignore honorifics" in {
NameInverter("Mr. First Last") must be("Last, First")
NameInverter("Ms. First Last") must be("Last, First")
it must "preserve post nominals at the end" in {
NameInverter("First Last Sr.") must be ("Last, First Sr.")
NameInverter("First Last BS. Phd.") must be ("Last, First BS. Phd.")
it must "do all the things above for the same name" in {
NameInverter(" Mr. Robert Martin III esq. ") must be ("Martin, Robert III esq.")
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