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Created February 23, 2015 22:58
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Improvement over naive.hs
import Control.Monad.Random
import Data.List
import System.Environment
import System.Exit
import System.Random
import System.IO
data Feedback = Smaller | Bigger | Done deriving (Show, Eq)
type Guess = Int
type Range = (Int, Int)
range = (1, 100)
weightedRange = [
(1, 0.019609821304715197), (2, 0.014954327822406068), (3, 0.011497912909693942),
(4, 0.011229933036558766), (5, 0.01029883434009694), (6, 0.008041497996981816),
(7, 0.01029883434009694), (8, 0.01029883434009694), (9, 0.00917016616853938),
(10, 0.01029883434009694), (11, 0.01029883434009694), (12, 0.006912829825424253),
(13, 0.01029883434009694), (14, 0.01029883434009694), (15, 0.00917016616853938),
(16, 0.01029883434009694), (17, 0.01029883434009694), (18, 0.008041497996981816),
(19, 0.01029883434009694), (20, 0.01029883434009694), (21, 0.00917016616853938),
(22, 0.01029883434009694), (23, 0.01029883434009694), (24, 0.01029883434009694),
(25, 0.005784161653866689), (26, 0.01029883434009694), (27, 0.01029883434009694),
(28, 0.00917016616853938), (29, 0.01029883434009694), (30, 0.01029883434009694),
(31, 0.008041497996981816), (32, 0.01029883434009694), (33, 0.01029883434009694),
(34, 0.00917016616853938), (35, 0.01029883434009694), (36, 0.01029883434009694),
(37, 0.008605832082760596), (38, 0.008605832082760596), (39, 0.01029883434009694),
(40, 0.00973450025431816), (41, 0.00973450025431816), (42, 0.01029883434009694),
(43, 0.00917016616853938), (44, 0.00917016616853938), (45, 0.01029883434009694),
(46, 0.00973450025431816), (47, 0.00973450025431816), (48, 0.01029883434009694),
(49, 0.01029883434009694), (50, 0.007477163911203034), (51, 0.007477163911203034),
(52, 0.01029883434009694), (53, 0.00973450025431816), (54, 0.00973450025431816),
(55, 0.01029883434009694), (56, 0.00917016616853938), (57, 0.00917016616853938),
(58, 0.01029883434009694), (59, 0.00973450025431816), (60, 0.00973450025431816),
(61, 0.01029883434009694), (62, 0.008605832082760596), (63, 0.008605832082760596),
(64, 0.01029883434009694), (65, 0.00973450025431816), (66, 0.00973450025431816),
(67, 0.01029883434009694), (68, 0.00917016616853938), (69, 0.00917016616853938),
(70, 0.01029883434009694), (71, 0.00973450025431816), (72, 0.00973450025431816),
(73, 0.01029883434009694), (74, 0.01029883434009694), (75, 0.008041497996981816),
(76, 0.008041497996981816), (77, 0.01029883434009694), (78, 0.00973450025431816),
(79, 0.00973450025431816), (80, 0.01029883434009694), (81, 0.00917016616853938),
(82, 0.00917016616853938), (83, 0.01029883434009694), (84, 0.00973450025431816),
(85, 0.00973450025431816), (86, 0.01029883434009694), (87, 0.01029883434009694),
(88, 0.006912829825424253), (89, 0.01029883434009694), (90, 0.01029883434009694),
(91, 0.00917016616853938), (92, 0.01029883434009694), (93, 0.01029883434009694),
(94, 0.008041497996981816), (95, 0.01029883434009694), (96, 0.01029883434009694),
(97, 0.010101264865001205), (98, 0.012626581081251505), (99, 0.014954327822406068),
(100, 0.019609821304715197)]
main :: IO ()
main = do
args <- getArgs
hSetBuffering stdout LineBuffering
case args of
["pick"] -> pick
["guess"] -> guess
_ -> usage
usage :: IO ()
usage = do
putStrLn "usage: ( pick | guess )"
exitWith (ExitFailure 1)
pick :: IO ()
pick = chooseNumber >>= putStrLn . show
chooseNumber :: IO Int
chooseNumber = evalRandIO (fromList weightedRange)
guess :: IO ()
guess = do
subset <- chooseSubset 31
interact $ formatGuesses . guess' subset . parseFeedback
parseFeedback :: String -> [Feedback]
parseFeedback = map parse . lines
where parse l = case l of
"+" -> Bigger
"-" -> Smaller
_ -> Done
formatGuesses :: [Guess] -> String
formatGuesses = unlines . map show
chooseSubset :: Int -> IO [Int]
chooseSubset n = do
chosen <- evalRandIO $ chooseSubset' n weightedRange
return $ sort chosen
chooseSubset' :: MonadRandom m => Eq a => Int -> [(a, Rational)] -> m [a]
chooseSubset' 0 _ = return []
chooseSubset' n options = do
elem <- fromList options
let remainingOptions = filter (\(option, _) -> option /= elem) options
nextElems <- chooseSubset' (pred n) remainingOptions
return $ elem : nextElems
guess' :: [Int] -> [Feedback] -> [Guess]
guess' [] _ = []
guess' candidates feedback = pivot : nextGuesses
where pivot = candidates !! ((length candidates) `div` 2)
nextGuesses = case feedback of
(Bigger : nextFeedback) ->
guess' (filter (>pivot) candidates) nextFeedback
(Smaller : nextFeedback) ->
guess' (filter (<pivot) candidates) nextFeedback
_ -> []
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