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Created March 26, 2019 16:47
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simple fluid simulation
// Usage: Drag with the mouse to add smoke to the fluid. This will also move a "rotor" that disturbs
// the velocity field at the mouse location. Press the indicated keys to change options
#include <rfftw.h> //the numerical simulation FFTW library
#include <stdio.h> //for printing the help text
#include <math.h> //for various math functions
#include <GL/glut.h> //the GLUT graphics library
//--- SIMULATION PARAMETERS ------------------------------------------------------------------------
const int DIM = 50; //size of simulation grid
double dt = 0.4; //simulation time step
float visc = 0.001; //fluid viscosity
fftw_real *vx, *vy; //(vx,vy) = velocity field at the current moment
fftw_real *vx0, *vy0; //(vx0,vy0) = velocity field at the previous moment
fftw_real *fx, *fy; //(fx,fy) = user-controlled simulation forces, steered with the mouse
fftw_real *rho, *rho0; //smoke density at the current (rho) and previous (rho0) moment
rfftwnd_plan plan_rc, plan_cr; //simulation domain discretization
//--- VISUALIZATION PARAMETERS ---------------------------------------------------------------------
int winWidth, winHeight; //size of the graphics window, in pixels
int color_dir = 0; //use direction color-coding or not
float vec_scale = 1000; //scaling of hedgehogs
int draw_smoke = 0; //draw the smoke or not
int draw_vecs = 1; //draw the vector field or not
const int COLOR_BLACKWHITE=0; //different types of color mapping: black-and-white, rainbow, banded
const int COLOR_RAINBOW=1;
const int COLOR_BANDS=2;
const int DRAW_LINES=0
const int DRAW_CONES=1
int scalar_col = 0; //method for scalar coloring
int frozen = 0; //toggles on/off the animation
//------ SIMULATION CODE STARTS HERE -----------------------------------------------------------------
//init_simulation: Initialize simulation data structures as a function of the grid size 'n'.
// Although the simulation takes place on a 2D grid, we allocate all data structures as 1D arrays,
// for compatibility with the FFTW numerical library.
void init_simulation(int n)
int i; size_t dim;
dim = n * 2*(n/2+1)*sizeof(fftw_real); //Allocate data structures
vx = (fftw_real*) malloc(dim);
vy = (fftw_real*) malloc(dim);
vx0 = (fftw_real*) malloc(dim);
vy0 = (fftw_real*) malloc(dim);
dim = n * n * sizeof(fftw_real);
fx = (fftw_real*) malloc(dim);
fy = (fftw_real*) malloc(dim);
rho = (fftw_real*) malloc(dim);
rho0 = (fftw_real*) malloc(dim);
plan_rc = rfftw2d_create_plan(n, n, FFTW_REAL_TO_COMPLEX, FFTW_IN_PLACE);
plan_cr = rfftw2d_create_plan(n, n, FFTW_COMPLEX_TO_REAL, FFTW_IN_PLACE);
for (i = 0; i < n * n; i++) //Initialize data structures to 0
{ vx[i] = vy[i] = vx0[i] = vy0[i] = fx[i] = fy[i] = rho[i] = rho0[i] = 0.0f; }
//FFT: Execute the Fast Fourier Transform on the dataset 'vx'.
// 'dirfection' indicates if we do the direct (1) or inverse (-1) Fourier Transform
void FFT(int direction,void* vx)
if(direction==1) rfftwnd_one_real_to_complex(plan_rc,(fftw_real*)vx,(fftw_complex*)vx);
else rfftwnd_one_complex_to_real(plan_cr,(fftw_complex*)vx,(fftw_real*)vx);
int clamp(float x)
{ return ((x)>=0.0?((int)(x)):(-((int)(1-(x))))); }
float max(float x, float y)
{ return x < y ? x : y; }
//solve: Solve (compute) one step of the fluid flow simulation
void solve(int n, fftw_real* vx, fftw_real* vy, fftw_real* vx0, fftw_real* vy0, fftw_real visc, fftw_real dt)
fftw_real x, y, x0, y0, f, r, U[2], V[2], s, t;
int i, j, i0, j0, i1, j1;
for (i=0;i<n*n;i++)
{ vx[i] += dt*vx0[i]; vx0[i] = vx[i]; vy[i] += dt*vy0[i]; vy0[i] = vy[i]; }
for ( x=0.5f/n,i=0 ; i<n ; i++,x+=1.0f/n )
for ( y=0.5f/n,j=0 ; j<n ; j++,y+=1.0f/n )
x0 = n*(x-dt*vx0[i+n*j])-0.5f;
y0 = n*(y-dt*vy0[i+n*j])-0.5f;
i0 = clamp(x0); s = x0-i0;
i0 = (n+(i0%n))%n;
i1 = (i0+1)%n;
j0 = clamp(y0); t = y0-j0;
j0 = (n+(j0%n))%n;
j1 = (j0+1)%n;
vx[i+n*j] = (1-s)*((1-t)*vx0[i0+n*j0]+t*vx0[i0+n*j1])+s*((1-t)*vx0[i1+n*j0]+t*vx0[i1+n*j1]);
vy[i+n*j] = (1-s)*((1-t)*vy0[i0+n*j0]+t*vy0[i0+n*j1])+s*((1-t)*vy0[i1+n*j0]+t*vy0[i1+n*j1]);
for(i=0; i<n; i++)
for(j=0; j<n; j++)
{ vx0[i+(n+2)*j] = vx[i+n*j]; vy0[i+(n+2)*j] = vy[i+n*j]; }
for (i=0;i<=n;i+=2)
x = 0.5f*i;
for (j=0;j<n;j++)
y = j<=n/2 ? (fftw_real)j : (fftw_real)j-n;
r = x*x+y*y;
if ( r==0.0f ) continue;
f = (fftw_real)exp(-r*dt*visc);
U[0] = vx0[i +(n+2)*j]; V[0] = vy0[i +(n+2)*j];
U[1] = vx0[i+1+(n+2)*j]; V[1] = vy0[i+1+(n+2)*j];
vx0[i +(n+2)*j] = f*((1-x*x/r)*U[0] -x*y/r *V[0]);
vx0[i+1+(n+2)*j] = f*((1-x*x/r)*U[1] -x*y/r *V[1]);
vy0[i+ (n+2)*j] = f*( -y*x/r *U[0] + (1-y*y/r)*V[0]);
vy0[i+1+(n+2)*j] = f*( -y*x/r *U[1] + (1-y*y/r)*V[1]);
f = 1.0/(n*n);
for (i=0;i<n;i++)
for (j=0;j<n;j++)
{ vx[i+n*j] = f*vx0[i+(n+2)*j]; vy[i+n*j] = f*vy0[i+(n+2)*j]; }
// diffuse_matter: This function diffuses matter that has been placed in the velocity field. It's almost identical to the
// velocity diffusion step in the function above. The input matter densities are in rho0 and the result is written into rho.
void diffuse_matter(int n, fftw_real *vx, fftw_real *vy, fftw_real *rho, fftw_real *rho0, fftw_real dt)
fftw_real x, y, x0, y0, s, t;
int i, j, i0, j0, i1, j1;
for ( x=0.5f/n,i=0 ; i<n ; i++,x+=1.0f/n )
for ( y=0.5f/n,j=0 ; j<n ; j++,y+=1.0f/n )
x0 = n*(x-dt*vx[i+n*j])-0.5f;
y0 = n*(y-dt*vy[i+n*j])-0.5f;
i0 = clamp(x0);
s = x0-i0;
i0 = (n+(i0%n))%n;
i1 = (i0+1)%n;
j0 = clamp(y0);
t = y0-j0;
j0 = (n+(j0%n))%n;
j1 = (j0+1)%n;
rho[i+n*j] = (1-s)*((1-t)*rho0[i0+n*j0]+t*rho0[i0+n*j1])+s*((1-t)*rho0[i1+n*j0]+t*rho0[i1+n*j1]);
//set_forces: copy user-controlled forces to the force vectors that are sent to the solver.
// Also dampen forces and matter density to get a stable simulation.
void set_forces(void)
int i;
for (i = 0; i < DIM * DIM; i++)
rho0[i] = 0.995 * rho[i];
fx[i] *= 0.85;
fy[i] *= 0.85;
vx0[i] = fx[i];
vy0[i] = fy[i];
//do_one_simulation_step: Do one complete cycle of the simulation:
// - set_forces:
// - solve: read forces from the user
// - diffuse_matter: compute a new set of velocities
// - gluPostRedisplay: draw a new visualization frame
void do_one_simulation_step(void)
if (!frozen)
solve(DIM, vx, vy, vx0, vy0, visc, dt);
diffuse_matter(DIM, vx, vy, rho, rho0, dt);
//------ VISUALIZATION CODE STARTS HERE -----------------------------------------------------------------
//rainbow: Implements a color palette, mapping the scalar 'value' to a rainbow color RGB
void rainbow(float value,float* R,float* G,float* B)
const float dx=0.8;
if (value<0) value=0; if (value>1) value=1;
value = (6-2*dx)*value+dx;
*R = max(0.0,(3-fabs(value-4)-fabs(value-5))/2);
*G = max(0.0,(4-fabs(value-2)-fabs(value-4))/2);
*B = max(0.0,(3-fabs(value-1)-fabs(value-2))/2);
//set_colormap: Sets three different types of colormaps
void set_colormap(float vy)
float R,G,B;
if (scalar_col==COLOR_BLACKWHITE)
R = G = B = vy;
else if (scalar_col==COLOR_RAINBOW)
else if (scalar_col==COLOR_BANDS)
const int NLEVELS = 7;
vy *= NLEVELS; vy = (int)(vy); vy/= NLEVELS;
//direction_to_color: Set the current color by mapping a direction vector (x,y), using
// the color mapping method 'method'. If method==1, map the vector direction
// using a rainbow colormap. If method==0, simply use the white color
void direction_to_color(float x, float y, int method)
float r,g,b,f;
if (method)
f = atan2(y,x) / 3.1415927 + 1;
r = f;
if(r > 1) r = 2 - r;
g = f + .66667;
if(g > 2) g -= 2;
if(g > 1) g = 2 - g;
b = f + 2 * .66667;
if(b > 2) b -= 2;
if(b > 1) b = 2 - b;
{ r = g = b = 1; }
void draw_lines(){
glBegin(GL_LINES); //draw velocities
for (i = 0; i < DIM; i++)
for (j = 0; j < DIM; j++)
idx = (j * DIM) + i;
glVertex2f(wn + (fftw_real)i * wn, hn + (fftw_real)j * hn);
glVertex2f((wn + (fftw_real)i * wn) + vec_scale * vx[idx], (hn + (fftw_real)j * hn) + vec_scale * vy[idx]);
void draw_cones(){
void glyphChange(int scalar_glyph){
if(scalar_glyph == DRAW_LINES)
else if(scalar_glyph == DRAW_CONES)
//visualize: This is the main visualization function
void visualize(void)
int i, j, idx; double px,py;
fftw_real wn = (fftw_real)winWidth / (fftw_real)(DIM + 1); // Grid cell width
fftw_real hn = (fftw_real)winHeight / (fftw_real)(DIM + 1); // Grid cell heigh
if (draw_smoke)
for (j = 0; j < DIM - 1; j++) //draw smoke
i = 0;
px = wn + (fftw_real)i * wn;
py = hn + (fftw_real)j * hn;
idx = (j * DIM) + i;
for (i = 0; i < DIM - 1; i++)
px = wn + (fftw_real)i * wn;
py = hn + (fftw_real)(j + 1) * hn;
idx = ((j + 1) * DIM) + i;
glVertex2f(px, py);
px = wn + (fftw_real)(i + 1) * wn;
py = hn + (fftw_real)j * hn;
idx = (j * DIM) + (i + 1);
glVertex2f(px, py);
px = wn + (fftw_real)(DIM - 1) * wn;
py = hn + (fftw_real)(j + 1) * hn;
idx = ((j + 1) * DIM) + (DIM - 1);
glVertex2f(px, py);
if (draw_vecs)
//------ INTERACTION CODE STARTS HERE -----------------------------------------------------------------
//display: Handle window redrawing events. Simply delegates to visualize().
void display(void)
//reshape: Handle window resizing (reshaping) events
void reshape(int w, int h)
glViewport(0.0f, 0.0f, (GLfloat)w, (GLfloat)h);
gluOrtho2D(0.0, (GLdouble)w, 0.0, (GLdouble)h);
winWidth = w; winHeight = h;
//keyboard: Handle key presses
void keyboard(unsigned char key, int x, int y)
switch (key)
case 't': dt -= 0.001; break;
case 'T': dt += 0.001; break;
case 'c': color_dir = 1 - color_dir; break;
case 'S': vec_scale *= 1.2; break;
case 's': vec_scale *= 0.8; break;
case 'V': visc *= 5; break;
case 'v': visc *= 0.2; break;
case 'x': draw_smoke = 1 - draw_smoke;
if (draw_smoke==0) draw_vecs = 1; break;
case 'y': draw_vecs = 1 - draw_vecs;
if (draw_vecs==0) draw_smoke = 1; break;
case 'm': scalar_col++; if (scalar_col>COLOR_BANDS) scalar_col=COLOR_BLACKWHITE; break;
case 'a': frozen = 1-frozen; break;
case 'q': exit(0);
// drag: When the user drags with the mouse, add a force that corresponds to the direction of the mouse
// cursor movement. Also inject some new matter into the field at the mouse location.
void drag(int mx, int my)
int xi,yi,X,Y; double dx, dy, len;
static int lmx=0,lmy=0; //remembers last mouse location
// Compute the array index that corresponds to the cursor location
xi = (int)clamp((double)(DIM + 1) * ((double)mx / (double)winWidth));
yi = (int)clamp((double)(DIM + 1) * ((double)(winHeight - my) / (double)winHeight));
X = xi; Y = yi;
if (X > (DIM - 1)) X = DIM - 1; if (Y > (DIM - 1)) Y = DIM - 1;
if (X < 0) X = 0; if (Y < 0) Y = 0;
// Add force at the cursor location
my = winHeight - my;
dx = mx - lmx; dy = my - lmy;
len = sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy);
if (len != 0.0) { dx *= 0.1 / len; dy *= 0.1 / len; }
fx[Y * DIM + X] += dx;
fy[Y * DIM + X] += dy;
rho[Y * DIM + X] = 10.0f;
lmx = mx; lmy = my;
//main: The main program
int main(int argc, char **argv)
printf("Fluid Flow Simulation and Visualization\n");
printf("Click and drag the mouse to steer the flow!\n");
printf("T/t: increase/decrease simulation timestep\n");
printf("S/s: increase/decrease hedgehog scaling\n");
printf("c: toggle direction coloring on/off\n");
printf("V/v: increase decrease fluid viscosity\n");
printf("x: toggle drawing matter on/off\n");
printf("y: toggle drawing hedgehogs on/off\n");
printf("m: toggle thru scalar coloring\n");
printf("a: toggle the animation on/off\n");
printf("q: quit\n\n");
glutInit(&argc, argv);
glutCreateWindow("Real-time smoke simulation and visualization");
init_simulation(DIM); //initialize the simulation data structures
glutMainLoop(); //calls do_one_simulation_step, keyboard, display, drag, reshape
return 0;
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