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Created December 3, 2019 16:03
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#lang racket
(require racket/set)
(require threading)
(struct point (x y) #:transparent)
(struct instruction (direction distance) #:transparent)
(define (parse-line line)
(map (λ (instr) (instruction (substring instr 0 1) (string->number (substring instr 1)) ))(string-split line ",")))
(define (get-input)
(map parse-line (file->lines "day3.txt")))
(define test-a "R8,U5,L5,D3")
(define test-b "U7,R6,D4,L4")
(define get-test (list (parse-line test-a) (parse-line test-b)))
(define (points-from-instruction instr poss)
(let ([pos (car poss)])
(flatten (list*
(match instr
[(instruction "R" len) (for/list ([step (range len 0 -1)]) (point (point-x pos) (+ (point-y pos) step)))]
[(instruction "L" len) (for/list ([step (range len 0 -1)]) (point (point-x pos) (- (point-y pos) step)))]
[(instruction "U" len) (for/list ([step (range len 0 -1)]) (point (+ (point-x pos) step) (point-y pos)))]
[(instruction "D" len) (for/list ([step (range len 0 -1)]) (point (- (point-x pos) step) (point-y pos)))])
(define (create-wire instructions)
(define (create-recur instructions positions)
(if (empty? instructions)
(create-recur (cdr instructions) (points-from-instruction (car instructions) positions))))
(create-recur instructions (list (point 0 0))))
(define (get-wires input)
(map create-wire input))
(define (part1 input)
(let ([wires (map list->set (get-wires input))])
(~>> (set-intersect (first wires) (second wires))
(map (λ (point) (+ (abs (point-x point)) (abs (point-y point)))))
(filter (λ (val) (not (= val 0))))
(apply min))))
(writeln "Part1: ")
(writeln (part1 (get-input)))
(define (part2 input)
(let* ([wirepaths (map reverse (get-wires input))]
[wires (map list->set wirepaths)])
(~>> (set-intersect (first wires) (second wires))
(map (λ (point) (+ (index-of (first wirepaths) point) (index-of (second wirepaths) point))))
(filter (λ (val) (not (= 0 val))))
(apply min)
(writeln "Part2: ")
(writeln (part2 (get-input)))
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