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Created January 10, 2020 12:34
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#lang racket
(require threading)
(define (get-input)
(file->lines "day14.txt"))
(struct raindeer (spd tm rst nm) #:transparent)
(define (parse-line str)
(define vals (map string->number (regexp-match* #px"\\d+" str)))
(define name (first (string-split str " ")))
(raindeer (first vals) (second vals) (third vals) name))
(define (position-after rndr sec [return-name? #f])
(define cycle-len (+ (raindeer-tm rndr) (raindeer-rst rndr)))
(define full-cycles (quotient sec cycle-len))
(define dist-full-cycles (* (raindeer-spd rndr) (raindeer-tm rndr) full-cycles))
(define extras (modulo sec cycle-len))
(define to-calc (min extras (raindeer-tm rndr)))
(define extra-dist (* (raindeer-spd rndr) to-calc))
(if return-name?
(cons (+ dist-full-cycles extra-dist)
(+ dist-full-cycles extra-dist)))
(define (part1)
(map parse-line)
(map (lambda (x) (position-after x 2503)))
(apply max)))
(define (score-after xs tm)
(define (increment-scores xs hsh)
(if (empty? xs)
(increment-scores (cdr xs)
(hash-update hsh (car xs) (curry + 1) 0))))
(define (update-score rndrs tm hsh)
(define scores (~>> rndrs
(map (lambda (x) (position-after x tm #t)))
(sort _ #:key car >)))
(define leads (~>> scores
(filter (lambda (x) (= (car x) (caar scores))))
(map cdr)
(map raindeer-nm)))
(increment-scores leads hsh))
(define (score-rec xs tm score cur)
(if (> cur tm)
(score-rec xs tm (update-score xs cur score) (+ 1 cur))))
(score-rec xs tm #hash() 1))
(define (highest-score hsh)
(apply max (hash-values hsh)))
(define (part2)
(map parse-line)
(score-after _ 2503)
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