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Last active May 4, 2022 15:22
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Memory = array[0..32767,uint16]
Registers = array[0..7,uint16]
Program = seq[uint16]
Stack = seq[uint16]
MOD_I15 = 32768'u16
proc readProgram(filename: string): Program =
var strm = newFileStream(filename, fmRead)
defer: strm.close()
while not isNil(strm):
except IOError:
proc valu(num: uint16, regs: Registers): uint16 =
case num
of 0..32767:
result = num
of 32768..32775:
result = regs[num - REGISTER_OFFSET]
assert(false, "Value out of range")
proc outp(num: uint16) =
proc set(registers: var Registers, destination: uint16, value: uint16) =
registers[destination - REGISTER_OFFSET] = value
proc add(registers: var Registers, destination: uint16, lhs: uint16, rhs: uint16) =
registers.set(destination, (lhs + rhs) mod MOD_I15)
proc mul(registers: var Registers, destination: uint16, lhs: uint16, rhs: uint16) =
registers.set(destination, (lhs * rhs) mod MOD_I15)
proc modu(registers: var Registers, destination: uint16, lhs: uint16, rhs: uint16) =
registers.set(destination, lhs mod rhs)
proc eq(registers: var Registers, destination: uint16, lhs: uint16, rhs: uint16) =
if lhs == rhs:
registers.set(destination, 1)
registers.set(destination, 0)
proc gt(registers: var Registers, destination: uint16, lhs: uint16, rhs: uint16) =
if lhs > rhs:
registers.set(destination, 1)
registers.set(destination, 0)
proc band(registers: var Registers, destination: uint16, lhs: uint16, rhs: uint16) =
registers.set(destination, lhs.bitand(rhs))
proc bor(registers: var Registers, destination: uint16, lhs: uint16, rhs: uint16) =
registers.set(destination, lhs.bitor(rhs))
proc bnot(registers: var Registers, destination: uint16, value: uint16) =
registers.set(destination, value.bitnot().bitand(0x7FFF))
proc loadProgram(memory: var Memory, prog: Program) =
for idx, val in prog.pairs:
memory[idx] = val
proc main() =
memory: Memory
regs: Registers
stack: Stack
prog: Program
ip = 0'u16
charBuf: seq[uint16]
prog = readProgram("challenge.bin")
#echo memory
while true:
var op = memory[ip]
#echo fmt"ip: {ip}, op: {op}"
case op
of 0: # halt
#echo "halt"
of 1: # set a b
#echo fmt"set {memory[ip + 1]} {memory[ip+2]}"
regs.set(memory[ip + 1], valu(memory[ip + 2], regs))
ip += 3
of 2: # push a
#echo fmt"push {memory[ip + 1]}"
stack.add(valu(memory[ip + 1], regs))
ip += 2
of 3: # pop a
#echo fmt"pop {memory[ip + 1]}"
if len(stack) < 1:
assert(true, "Stack underflow")
regs.set(memory[ip + 1], stack.pop())
ip += 2
of 4: # eq a b c
#echo fmt"eq {memory[ip + 1]} {memory[ip+2]} {memory[ip+2]}"
regs.eq(memory[ip + 1], valu(memory[ip + 2], regs), valu(memory[ip + 3], regs))
ip += 4
of 5: # gt a b c
#echo fmt"gt {memory[ip + 1]} {memory[ip+2]} {memory[ip+2]}"[ip + 1], valu(memory[ip + 2], regs), valu(memory[ip + 3], regs))
ip += 4
of 6: # jmp a
#echo fmt"jmp {memory[ip + 1]}"
ip = valu(memory[ip + 1], regs)
of 7: # jt a b
#echo fmt"jt {memory[ip + 1]} {memory[ip+2]}"
if valu(memory[ip + 1], regs) != 0:
ip = valu(memory[ip + 2], regs)
ip += 3
of 8: # jf a b
#echo fmt"jf {memory[ip + 1]} {memory[ip+2]}"
if valu(memory[ip + 1], regs) == 0:
ip = valu(memory[ip + 2], regs)
ip += 3
of 9: # add a b c
#echo fmt"add {memory[ip + 1]} {memory[ip+2]} {memory[ip+2]}"
regs.add(memory[ip + 1], valu(memory[ip + 2], regs), valu(memory[ip + 3], regs))
ip += 4
of 10: # mul a b c
#echo fmt"mul {memory[ip + 1]} {memory[ip+2]} {memory[ip+2]}"
regs.mul(memory[ip + 1], valu(memory[ip + 2], regs), valu(memory[ip + 3], regs))
ip += 4
of 11: # mod a b c
#echo fmt"mod {memory[ip + 1]} {memory[ip+2]} {memory[ip+2]}"
regs.modu(memory[ip + 1], valu(memory[ip + 2], regs), valu(memory[ip + 3], regs))
ip += 4
of 12: # and a b c
#echo fmt"and {memory[ip + 1]} {memory[ip+2]} {memory[ip+2]}"[ip + 1], valu(memory[ip + 2], regs), valu(memory[ip + 3], regs))
ip += 4
of 13: # or a b c
#echo fmt"or {memory[ip + 1]} {memory[ip+2]} {memory[ip+2]}"
regs.bor(memory[ip + 1], valu(memory[ip + 2], regs), valu(memory[ip + 3], regs))
ip += 4
of 14: # not a b
#echo fmt"not {memory[ip + 1]} {memory[ip+2]}"
regs.bnot(memory[ip + 1], valu(memory[ip + 2], regs))
ip += 3
of 15: # rmem a b
#echo fmt"rmem {memory[ip+1]} {memory[valu(memory[ip+2], regs)]}"
regs.set(memory[ip + 1], valu(memory[valu(memory[ip + 2], regs)],regs))
ip += 3
of 16: # wmem a b
#echo fmt"wmem {memory[ip+1]} {valu(memory[ip+2], regs)}"
memory[valu(memory[ip + 1], regs)] = valu(memory[ip + 2], regs)
ip += 3
of 17: # call a
#echo fmt"call {memory[ip + 1]}"
stack.add(ip + 2)
ip = valu(memory[ip + 1], regs)
of 18: # ret
#echo "ret"
if stack.len() < 1:
echo "ret: stack underflow. Halting"
ip = stack.pop()
of 19: # out a
#echo fmt"out {memory[ip + 1]}"
outp(valu(memory[ip + 1], regs))
ip += 2
of 20: # in a
# This one is a bit special, since the documentation says we can rely on whole lines being
# read the first time we encounter this we make a buffer of characters, and then the next
# times we encounter it we feed it the next character from the buffer until it reaches a
# newline
if charBuf.len() < 1:
let str = stdin.readLine()
charBuf = collect(newSeq):
for ch in str:
regs.set(memory[ip + 1], charBuf.pop())
#echo fmt"in: {memory[ip + 1]}"
ip += 2
of 21: # nop
#echo "nop"
ip += 1
echo fmt"{ip}: unknown op {op}"
echo ""
echo "--------------"
echo "Program halted"
echo "--------------"
when is_main_module:
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