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Created December 8, 2019 16:29
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#lang racket
(require threading)
(define test-img '(((0 2)
(2 2))
((1 1)
(2 2))
((2 2)
(1 2))
((0 0)
(0 0))))
(define (get-input)
(car (file->lines "day8.txt")))
(define (split-every num lst)
(define (step inlist num res)
(if (empty? inlist)
(reverse res)
(step (drop inlist num)
(cons (take inlist num) res))))
(step lst num '()))
(define (text->img txt)
(~>> (string->list (get-input))
(map char->integer)
(map (λ (ascii) (- ascii 48)))
(split-every 25)
(split-every 6)))
(define (count-layer lst)
(define (count-chars lst hsh)
(if (empty? lst)
(count-chars (cdr lst) (hash-update hsh (car lst) (λ (n) (+ n 1)) 0))))
(define (count-list lst hsh)
(if (empty? lst)
(count-list (cdr lst) (count-chars (car lst) hsh))))
(count-list lst #hash()))
(define (fewest-zeros a b)
(if (< (hash-ref a 0 0) (hash-ref b 0 0))
a b))
(define (part1)
(let* ([counts (~>> (text->img (get-input)) (map count-layer))]
[goal (foldl fewest-zeros (car counts) (cdr counts))])
(* (hash-ref goal 1) (hash-ref goal 2))))
(define (compact-layers layers)
(define (compact-chars chars res)
(car (filter-not (λ (n) (= 2 n)) chars)))
(define (compact-rows rows res)
(if (empty? (car rows))
(reverse res)
(compact-rows (map cdr rows) (cons (compact-chars (map car rows) '()) res))))
(define (compact layers res)
(if (empty? (car layers))
(reverse res)
(compact (map cdr layers) (cons (compact-rows (map car layers) '()) res))))
(compact layers '()))
(define (draw img)
(define (digit->char n)
(if (= 1 n)
#\ ))
(define (line->str line)
(list->string(map digit->char line)))
(string-join (map line->str img) "\n"))
(define (part2)
(display (draw (compact-layers (text->img (get-input))))))
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