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Last active September 11, 2018 16:55
class ParentType(val id: Long)
class ChildType
class ChildTypeBatchApi {
fun load(keys: List<Long>): List<ChildType> = mutableListOf()
val childTypeBatchApi = ChildTypeBatchApi()
// Example BatchLoader
var batchLoader: BatchLoader<Long, ChildType> = BatchLoader { keys ->
CompletableFuture.supplyAsync<List<ChildType>> { childTypeBatchApi.load(keys) }
// How to register all the dataloaders zo graphql-java-tools can use them for injection ?
var childDataLoader = DataLoader<Long, ChildType>(batchLoader)
class ChildResolver() : GraphQLResolver<ParentType> {
// Optionally, could inject the DataLoader bean, but more clear adding it as a parameter in the resolver function
// val childDataLoader: DataLoader<Long, ChildType>
// Inject the DataLoader for this specific type (using reflection)
fun childField(parentItem: ParentType, childDataLoader: DataLoader<Long, ChildType>): CompletableFuture<ChildType> {
// Should return the CompletableFuture for the DataLoader to do its work
return childDataLoader.load(
.thenApply { it }
.exceptionally { e ->
throw Exception(e.message, e)
// Need to invoke dispatchAndJoin after processing this level in the graph
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