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Created November 4, 2019 17:09
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(let [{:keys [namespace-usages]} (:analysis (kondo/run! {:lint ["src/main"
:config {:output {:analysis true}}}))
url->splited-path #(into []
(comp (map (memfn getFileName))
(map str)
(take-while (complement string/blank?)))
(iterate (fn [x] (when x (.getParent x)))
(Paths/get (new URI (-> (str %)
(string/replace #"^jar\:"
(string/replace #"\!.+$"
find-urls #(let [base (-> (namespace-munge %)
(string/replace #"\." "/"))]
(for [suffix ["clj" "cljc" "cljs"]
:let [url (io/resource (str base "." suffix))]
:when url
:let [path (url->splited-path url)
[jar version name & ns] path
ns (drop 1 (drop-while (complement #{"repository"})
(reverse ns)))]
:when (or (seq ns)
(prn [:warn url]))]
(symbol (string/join "." ns) name)))
own (->> namespace-usages
(map :from)
{:keys [dependencies]}(rest (edn/read-string (slurp "project.clj")))
deps-from-project (into (sorted-set)
(comp (map first)
(map (fn [x]
(if (simple-symbol? x)
(symbol (name x) (name x))
deps-from-requires (->> namespace-usages
(map :to)
(remove own)
(mapcat find-urls)
(into (sorted-set)))]
(remove deps-from-requires deps-from-project))
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