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Created December 20, 2020 01:35
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AoC Day 16
package advent
import cats.syntax.all._
object Sixteen extends Inputs:
type Rule = Int => Boolean
type Ticket = List[Int]
type TicketPosition = List[Int -> Int]
def parseRule: String => String \/ Rule = { s =>
val ruleRe = """(\d+)-(\d+) or (\d+)-(\d+)""".r.unanchored
s match
case ruleRe(min1, max1, min2, max2) => Right((i: Int) => (i >= min1.toInt && i <= max1.toInt) || (i >= min2.toInt && i <= max2.toInt))
case _ => Left(s"$s can't be parsed")
def invalidFields: List[Rule] => Ticket => List[Int] = rules => ticket =>
ticket.filter(i => !rules.exists(r => r(i)))
def parseInput: String => String \/ (List[Rule], Ticket, List[Ticket]) = s => s.split("(?m)^\n") match {
case Array(ruleS, myTicketS, nearbyTicketsS) => for {
rules <- ruleS.linesIterator.toList.traverse(parseRule)
ticket <- myTicketS.linesIterator.toList.last.split(",").toList.traverse(n => n.toIntOption.toRight(s"$n is not a number"))
nearbyTickets <- nearbyTicketsS.linesIterator.drop(1).toList.traverse(
_.split(",").toList.traverse(n => n.toIntOption.toRight(s"$n is not a number"))
} yield (rules, ticket, nearbyTickets)
case _ => Left(s"$s cannot be split into things")
@main def m16 = {
val dummy = """class: 1-3 or 5-7
|row: 6-11 or 33-44
|seat: 13-40 or 45-50
|your ticket:
|nearby tickets:
val sum = for {
(rules, myTicket, nearByTickets) <- parseInput(sixteen)
invalids = nearByTickets.flatMap(invalidFields(rules))
} yield invalids.sum
object part2:
type Label = String
type Position = Int
type LabelledRule = Label -> (Int => Boolean)
def parseRule2: String => String \/ LabelledRule = { s =>
val ruleRe = """([\w ]+): (\d+)-(\d+) or (\d+)-(\d+)""".r.unanchored
s match
case ruleRe(label, min1, max1, min2, max2) => Right(label -> {(i: Int) => (i >= min1.toInt && i <= max1.toInt) || (i >= min2.toInt && i <= max2.toInt) })
case _ => Left(s"$s can't be parsed")
def validTicket: List[Rule] => Ticket => Boolean = rules => ticket =>
ticket.forall(i => rules.exists(r => r(i)))
def satisfiedRules: List[LabelledRule] => Int => Set[Label] = rules => i =>
rules.collect{ case (l, r) if r(i) => l }.toSet
def parseInput2: String => String \/ (List[LabelledRule], Ticket, List[Ticket]) = s => s.split("(?m)^\n") match {
case Array(ruleS, myTicketS, nearbyTicketsS) => for {
rules <- ruleS.linesIterator.toList.traverse(parseRule2)
ticket <- myTicketS.linesIterator.toList.last.split(",").toList.traverse(n => n.toIntOption.toRight(s"$n is not a number"))
nearbyTickets <- nearbyTicketsS.linesIterator.drop(1).toList.traverse(
_.split(",").toList.traverse(n => n.toIntOption.toRight(s"$n is not a number"))
} yield (rules, ticket, nearbyTickets)
case _ => Left(s"$s cannot be split into things")
def labelPosition: List[Ticket] => List[LabelledRule] => String \/ Map[Int, Label] = tickets => rules => {
val ruleSet =
val labelSets = tickets.foldLeft[List[Set[Label]]](List.fill(tickets.head.length)(ruleSet)) {
case (satisfiers, ticket) => {
case (current, acc) => current intersect acc
object SingletonSet {
def unapply[A](set: Set[A]): Option[A] = if (set.size == 1) Some(set.head) else None
def collapseSets(labelSets: List[Set[Label] -> Int], acc: Map[Int, Label]): String \/ Map[Int, Label] = labelSets match {
case _ if acc.values.toSet == ruleSet => Right(acc)
case (SingletonSet(label), pos) :: rest =>
collapseSets({ case (labels, i) => (labels - label) -> i }, acc + (pos -> label))
case (s, pos) :: rest => Left(s"$s is too big. Remaining: $rest")
case Nil => Left("empty list")
collapseSets(labelSets.zipWithIndex.sortBy(_._1.size), Map.empty)
@main def m16_2 = {
val dummy = """class: 0-1 or 4-19
|row: 0-5 or 8-19
|seat: 0-13 or 16-19
|your ticket:
|nearby tickets:
val res = for {
(rules, myTicket, nearByTickets) <- parseInput2(sixteen)
validTickets = nearByTickets.filter(validTicket(
labelPositions <- labelPosition(validTickets)(rules).map(_.toList.sortBy(_._1).map(_._2))
labeledTicket = myTicket zip labelPositions
departurePositions = labeledTicket.filter {
case (_, label) => label.startsWith("departure")
} yield labeledTicket ->
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