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Created October 3, 2022 14:02
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Deriving typeclasses for zio-prelude newtypes outside of the object scope (scala2 only)
import $ivy.`dev.zio::zio-prelude:1.0.0-RC15`
import zio.prelude.Newtype
object newtypes {
def derive[A, STA <: Newtype[A], F[_]](implicit ev: STA <:< Newtype[A], typeClass: F[A]): F[STA#Type] =
trait Auto {
implicit def auto[A, STA <: Newtype[A], F[_]](implicit ev: STA <:< Newtype[A], typeClass: F[A]): F[STA#Type] =
object auto extends Auto
// Usage
object elsewhere {
object Foo extends Newtype[String]
type Foo = Foo.Type
trait Show[A] {
def show(a: A): String
implicit val stringShow: Show[String] = new Show[String]{ def show(a: String): String = a }
// import // auto derive all the things
implicit val fooShow: Show[Foo] = newtypes.derive // semiauto derivation
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