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Last active May 12, 2016 20:27
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My latest resume
\newcommand{\exptitle}[3]{\hspace{0.2em}\makebox[8em][s]{\regfont{#3}}\hspace{2em}\boldfont{#1} \regfont{-} \boldfont{#2}\regfont{}
\nametitle{Sashank Tadepalli}
\boldfont{2 Banko Farm Rd, Dayton, NJ 08810}\\
\boldfont{(707) 234-5548 |}\\
\maintitle{Skill set}
\item \regfont{HTML5}
\item CSS3
\item Javascript
\item C\#.Net
\item Java
\item C++
\item Python
\item OpenCV
\item Visual Studio
\item Sublime Text
\item GitHub
\item MySQL
\item MongoDB
\item LateX
\item Bash Scripting
\item Nginx/Apache
\maintitle{Professional Experience}
\exptitle{New Jersey Institute of Technology}{Research Assistant}{May 2012 - Present}
\item Implemented a Java application for Dependability Model with Cascading Failures
\item Re-engineer 10,000 lines of legacy Java code
\item Refined and revamped the tree generation algorithm
\item Utilized GitHub and Eclipse to fuel teamwork with partner
\exptitle{AlaPoker}{Capstone Project}{Jan 2013 - May 2013}
\item Implemented a variation of poker patented by Professor Ala Saadeghvaziri
\item Managed and lead a team of developers to create an immersive web-based game
\item Consulted directly with client
\item Kept tight control on project scope
\item Utilized GitHub for versioning and managing work progress
\exptitle{Marathon Data Systems}{Capstone Project}{Jan 2013 - May 2013}
\item Implemented image processing algorithms for mobile devices, in pure Javascript
\item Gained experience with OpenCV HAAR cascade training using Python
\item Built initial Javascript framework for future expansion of codebase
\exptitle{New Jersey Institute of Technology}{Research Assistant}{Aug 2012 - Nov 2012}
\item Participated in enhancing a secure-collaboration media application
\item Collaborated with professor to port an iPhone application to the web
\item Utilized Twitter Bootstrap to assist in porting and mobile features
\exptitle{BlackRock Inc}{Javascript Developer}{Jul 2012 - Aug 2012}
\item Implemented a charting framework for BlackRock Model Portfolios
\item Used jQuery, XML and JSON to interact with internal BlackRock APIs
\item Authored the library documentation in Confluence Wiki
\exptitle{Eagle Fleet Service Inc}{Volunteer Developer}{May 2012 - Aug 2012}
\item Built, deployed and managed financial transaction database (MongoDB)
\item Utilized various PHP libraries to import receipts and export PDFs
\item Designed reporting tool that converts transactions to local standard format
\exptitle{iSpeech Inc}{Intern}{May 2011 - May 2012}
\item Created internal Javascript library for iSpeech public application.
\item Adapted existing code to new backend database, proprietary to iSpeech
\item Filled feedback tickets from QA team throughout development process
\exptitle{Viswa Santi Sri Yagam}{Volunteer Webmaster}{May 2010 - Aug 2010}
\item Created custom website including online registration application for large event
\item Gained experience with Paypal, and Google Checkout APIs
\item Utilized Zend framework to process registrations using Google Spreadsheet as data store
\item Designed and deployed complete payment and authorization system
\exptitle{Global Development Co}{Volunteer Webmaster}{Jul 2011 - May 2012}
\item Developed \& deployed custom web-based solution
\item Consulted Board members to arrive at viable solution
\item Trained content managers to use Wordpress UI
\item Designed and created custom Wordpress template from scratch
\exptitle{Cabeus Inc}{Intern}{Jan 2011 - Jul 2011}
\item Developed and deployed a Sharepoint-compliant web solution
\item Gained experience with Microsoft Sharepoint and developed with IE6 - IE9
\item Created a customized C\#.Net solution, forward compatiblity with Sharepoint 2012
\exptitle{New Jersey Institute of Technology}{Undergrad}{2013}
\item Bachelor of Science in Computer Science
\item \regfont{Playing piano}
\item Competitive badminton
\item Building computers
\item Audiophile
\item Design perfectionist
\item Video gamer
Available Upon Request\newline\newline\newline
This document was created using LateX.
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