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Created November 20, 2015 20:52
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def determine_feature_importance(df):
#Determines the importance of individual features within a dataframe
#Grab header for all feature values excluding score & ids
features_list = df.columns.values[4::]
print "Features List: \n", features_list
#set X equal to all feature values, excluding Score & ID fields
X = df.values[:,4::]
#set y equal to all Score values
y = df.values[:,0]
#fit a random forest with near-default paramaters to determine feature importance
print '\nCreating Random Forest Classifier...\n'
forest = RandomForestClassifier(oob_score=True, n_estimators=10000)
print '\nFitting Random Forest Classifier...\n',y)
feature_importance = forest.feature_importances_
print feature_importance
#Make importances relative to maximum importance
print "\nMaximum feature importance is currently: ", feature_importance.max()
feature_importance = 100.0 * (feature_importance / feature_importance.max())
print "\nNormalized feature importance: \n", feature_importance
print "\nNormalized maximum feature importance: \n", feature_importance.max()
print "\nTo do: set fi_threshold == max?"
print "\nTesting: setting fi_threshhold == 1"
#get indicies of all features over fi_threshold
important_idx = np.where(feature_importance > fi_threshold)[0]
print "\nRetrieved important_idx: ", important_idx
#create a list of all feature names above fi_threshold
important_features = features_list[important_idx]
print "\n", important_features.shape[0], "Important features(>", fi_threshold, "% of max importance:\n", important_features
#get sorted indices of important features
sorted_idx = np.argsort(feature_importance[important_idx])[::-1]
print "\nFeatures sorted by importance (DESC):\n", important_features[sorted_idx]
#generate plot
pos = np.arange(sorted_idx.shape[0]) + .5
plt.yticks(pos, important_features[sorted_idx[::-1]])
plt.xlabel('Relative importance')
plt.ylabel('Variable importance')
X = X[:, important_idx][:, sorted_idx]
return "Feature importance determined"
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