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Last active December 24, 2015 05:29
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// wikioi 1079 回家,
#include <iostream>
#include <queue>
#include <map>
#include <utility>
#include <climits>
using namespace std;
/** 边的权值类型,可以为int, float, double. */
typedef int graph_weight_t;
/** 顶点的编号,可以为char, int, string等. */
typedef char graph_vertex_id_t;
* @struct 图,用邻接表.
struct graph_t {
size_t nv; // 顶点数
size_t ne; // 边数
// 邻接表,存放边的信息,如权重等
map<graph_vertex_id_t, map<graph_vertex_id_t, graph_weight_t> > matrix;
* @brief Dijkstra算法求单源最短路径.
* @param[in] g 图
* @param[in] start 起点
* @param[out] dist dist[v]存放的是起点到v的最短路径长度
* @param[out] father father[v]存放的是最短路径上指向v的上一个顶点
* @return 无
void dijkstra(const graph_t &g, graph_vertex_id_t start,
map<graph_vertex_id_t, graph_weight_t> &distance,
map<graph_vertex_id_t, graph_vertex_id_t> &father) {
/* 起点到顶点的最短距离. */
typedef pair<graph_weight_t, graph_vertex_id_t> to_dist_t;
// 小根堆
priority_queue<to_dist_t, vector<to_dist_t>, greater<to_dist_t> > q;
distance[start] = 0; // 自己到自己,距离为0
q.push(to_dist_t(0, start));
while (!q.empty()) {
const to_dist_t u =; q.pop();
if (g.matrix.find(u.second) == g.matrix.end()) continue;
for (map<graph_vertex_id_t, graph_weight_t>::const_iterator iter =;
iter !=; ++iter) {
const graph_vertex_id_t v = iter->first;
const graph_weight_t w = iter->second;
if (!distance.count(v) || distance[u.second] + w < distance[v]) {
distance[v] = distance[u.second] + w;
father[v] = u.second;
q.push(to_dist_t(distance[v], v));
* @brief 打印从起点到终点的最短路径
* @param[in] father Dijkstra计算好的father数组
* @param[in] end 终点
* @return 无
void print_path(const map<graph_vertex_id_t, graph_vertex_id_t> &father,
graph_vertex_id_t end) {
if (!father.count(end)) {
cout << end;
} else {
cout << "->" << end;
/** 读取输入,构建图. */
void read_graph(graph_t &g) {
cin >>;
for (size_t i = 0; i <; ++i) {
graph_vertex_id_t from, to;
graph_weight_t weight;
cin >> from >> to >> weight;
// 输入数据可能存在重复,取其小者
g.matrix[to][from] = min(g.matrix[to][from] ?
g.matrix[to][from] : INT_MAX, weight);
g.matrix[from][to] = g.matrix[to][from];
int main() {
graph_t g;
map<graph_vertex_id_t, graph_weight_t> distance;
map<graph_vertex_id_t, graph_vertex_id_t> father;
dijkstra(g, 'Z', distance, father);
// 在大写字母中找最小
graph_weight_t min_dist = INT_MAX;
graph_vertex_id_t target; // 终点
for (map<graph_vertex_id_t, graph_weight_t>::const_iterator iter =
distance.begin(); iter != distance.end(); ++iter) {
if (min_dist > iter->second && iter->first >='A' && iter->first < 'Z') {
min_dist = iter->second;
target = iter->first;
cout << target << " " << min_dist << endl;
return 0;
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