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Last active January 1, 2016 08:39
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def run(C: Int, D: Int, data: RDD[LabeledPoint]) = {
val partitionCounts = data.mapPartitions { iterator =>
val localCountPerLabel = mutable.Map.empty[Int, Int].withDefaultValue(0)
val localSummedObservations = mutable.Map.empty[Int, Array[Double]]
iterator.foreach {
case LabeledPoint(label, features) =>
val y = label.toInt
localCountPerLabel(y) += 1
localSummedObservations(y) = localSummedObservations(y).zip(features)
.map(pair => pair._1 + pair._2)
} { label =>
label -> (localCountPerLabel(label), localSummedObservations(label))
val counts = partitionCounts.groupByKey().mapValues { seq =>
var count = 0
var countPerFeature = new Array[Double](D)
seq.foreach { pair =>
count += pair._1
countPerFeature =
.map(p => p._1 + p._2)
(count, countPerFeature)
val N =
val logDenominator = math.log(N + C * lambda)
val weightPerLabel = counts.mapValues { pair =>
math.log(pair._1 + lambda) - logDenominator
val weightMatrix = counts.mapValues { pair =>
val countsPerLabel = pair._2
val sum = countsPerLabel.sum
val logDenom = math.log(sum + D * lambda) => math.log(w + lambda) - logDenom)
val labelWeights = weightPerLabel.collect()
val weightsMat = weightMatrix.collect().sortBy(_._1).map(_._2)
new NaiveBayesModel(labelWeights, weightsMat)
def run(C: Int, D: Int, data: RDD[LabeledPoint]): NaiveBayesModel = {
val groupedData = => p.label.toInt -> p.features).groupByKey()
val countPerLabel = groupedData.mapValues(_.size)
val logDenominator = math.log(data.count() + C * lambda)
val weightPerLabel = countPerLabel.mapValues {
count => math.log(count + lambda) - logDenominator
val summedObservations = groupedData.mapValues(_.reduce {
(lhs, rhs) => => pair._1 + pair._2)
val weightsMatrix = summedObservations.mapValues { weights =>
val sum = weights.sum
val logDenom = math.log(sum + D * lambda) => math.log(w + lambda) - logDenom)
val labelWeights = weightPerLabel.collect()
val weightsMat = weightsMatrix.collect().sortBy(_._1).map(_._2)
new NaiveBayesModel(labelWeights, weightsMat)
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