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Created August 31, 2014 17:09
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numStrings = 10 -- for example, lets do 10, but this number can be anything upto memory limits
maxStringLength = 100 -- this has to be predetermined
-- allocate CharTensor
bigStringTensor = torch.CharTensor(numStrings, maxStringLength) -- raw C pointer using torchffi
-- load some strings into the stringTensor
str='hello world'
-- write strings to tensor
for i=1,bigStringTensor:size(1) do
local stri = str .. ' ' .. i
ffi.copy(bst_data + ((i-1) * maxStringLength), stri)
-- read back data gotcha (torchffi seems to always return the parent tensor's data pointer)
for i=1,bigStringTensor:size(1) do
-- read back properly
for i=1,bigStringTensor:size(1) do
print(ffi.string(bst_data + ((i-1) * maxStringLength)))
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