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Example code for how to set different learning rates per layer. Note that when calling :parameters(), the weights and bias of a given layer are separate, consecutive tensors. Therefore, when calling :parameters(), a network with N layers will output a table with N*2 tensors, where the i'th and i'th+1 tensors belong to the same layer.
-- multiple learning rates per network. Optimizes two copies of a model network and checks if the optimization steps (2) and (3) produce the same weights/parameters.
require 'torch'
require 'nn'
require 'optim'
-- (1) Define a model for this example.
local model = nn.Sequential()
local criterion = nn.CrossEntropyCriterion()
-- defines a single optimazation state for all of the model's layers
local optimState = {
learningRate = 0.01,
learningRateDecay = 0.0,
momentum = 0.9,
dampening = 0.0,
weightDecay = 5e-4
-- make two copies of the model: one copy will update its parameters by updating all layers at the same time, and another copy will update its parameters layer by layer.
local model1 = model:clone()
local model2 = model:clone()
-- set some inputs/labels
local inputs = torch.FloatTensor(20,10):uniform()
local labels = torch.FloatTensor(20):random(1,3)
-- (2) optimize model1 (all layers at once)
local parameters1, gradParameters1 = model1:getParameters()
-- forward + backward
local err, outputs
local feval1 = function(x)
outputs = model1:forward(inputs)
err = criterion:forward(outputs, labels)
local gradOutputs = criterion:backward(outputs, labels)
model1:backward(inputs, gradOutputs)
return err, gradParameters1
-- optimize all layers parameters at once
optim.sgd(feval1, parameters1, optimState)
-- (3) optimize model1 layer by layer
local parameters2, gradParameters2 = model2:parameters()
-- set optim states for each layer. To set different rates just change the learningRate field value.
optimState2 = {}
for i=1, #parameters2 do
table.insert(optimState2, {
learningRate = 0.01,
learningRateDecay = 0.0,
momentum = 0.9,
dampening = 0.0,
weightDecay = 5e-4
-- forward + backward
outputs = model2:forward(inputs)
err = criterion:forward(outputs, labels)
gradOutputs = criterion:backward(outputs, labels)
model2:backward(inputs, gradOutputs)
-- optimize layer by layer
for i=1, #parameters2 do
local feval2 = function(x)
return err, gradParameters2[i]
optim.sgd(feval2, parameters2[i], optimState2[i])
-- (4) check if models parameters (tensors) are the same
local parameters2_, gradParameters2_ = model2:getParameters()
if torch.add(parameters1, -parameters2_):sum() == 0 then
print('Parameters are equal')
print('Parameters are different')
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