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Soumith Chintala soumith

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require 'torch'
require 'nn'
require 'image'
require 'gfx.js'
mod = nn.SpatialConvolution(5,10, 16, 16)
filters = mod.weight
gfx.image(filters:view(5*10, 16, 16), {zoom=5.0})
CC := clang
AR := ar
NVCC := nvcc
CUDA_OBJS := cuda/cwc_convnet.o
NVFLAGS := --use_fast_math -arch=sm_30 $(DEFINE_MACROS)
LDFLAGS := -lm -lpng -ljpeg -lfftw3 -lfftw3f -lpthread -lblas -lavcodec -lavformat -lswscale -lcuda -lcudart -lcublas -L"/usr/local/cuda/lib64"
require 'paths'
local current_dir = 'torch7'
checkFile = function( current_dir )
local list = paths.dir( current_dir )
table.sort(list, function (a,b) return a<b end)
for i = 3, #list do
list[i] = paths.concat(current_dir, list[i])
if paths.filep( list[i] )then
print( ' ==> found file '.. list[i] )
Torch 7.0 Copyright (C) 2001-2011 Idiap, NEC Labs, NYU
<mnist> loading only 1000 examples
<mnist> reading 1000 examples with 784+1 dimensions...
<mnist> done
<mnist> loading only 1000 examples
<mnist> reading 1000 examples with 784+1 dimensions...
<mnist> done
1/10 - Recon err: 39.1
2/10 - Recon err: 25.0
3/10 - Recon err: 20.9
numStrings = 10 -- for example, lets do 10, but this number can be anything upto memory limits
maxStringLength = 100 -- this has to be predetermined
-- allocate CharTensor
bigStringTensor = torch.CharTensor(numStrings, maxStringLength) -- raw C pointer using torchffi
-- load some strings into the stringTensor
str='hello world'
require 'torch'
local ffi = require 'ffi'
local argcheck = require 'argcheck'
local dataset = torch.class('torch.dataset')
local initcheck = argcheck{
{name="paths", type="table", help="Multiple paths of directories with images"},
soumith / gist:1f7645f14738d39be2b5
Created October 11, 2014 20:52
CuDNN SpatialMaxPooling bug
require 'cudnn'
require 'cunn'
local cudnntest = {}
local precision_forward = 1e-4
local precision_backward = 1e-2
local precision_jac = 1e-3
local nloop = 1
local times = {}
soumith / gist:0f95facad88cbea68c6d
Created November 20, 2014 04:24
linear with no bias
local Linear, parent = torch.class('nn.NoBiasLinear', 'nn.Linear')
function Linear:__init(inputSize, outputSize)
parent.__init(self, inputSize, outputSize)
function Linear:accGradParameters(input, gradOutput, scale)
soumith / benchmarks prelim
Created December 18, 2014 02:44
benchmarks prelim
All timings averaged over 10 runs and in miliseconds on a Tesla K40m with ECC off.
Time combines forward + backwardInputs + backwardGradients
ModelType: AlexNet Kernels: cudnn Input shape: 128x3x224x224
cudnn :updateOutput(): 147.32
cudnn :updateGradInput(): 167.79
cudnn :accGradParameters(): 153.96
cudnn :TOTAL: 469.07
ModelType: AlexNet Kernels: nn Input shape: 128x3x224x224
nn :updateOutput(): 201.53
soumith / gist:4a1339a078b4c0f7fd2b
Created December 25, 2014 04:03
cudnn sigmoid bug reproduction
This file has been truncated, but you can view the full file.
cudnnActivationBackward bug (sigmoid)
this file has printed states of the following:
src (output)
srcdiff (gradOutput)
dest (input)
destdiff (gradInput)
look at destdiff, and notice the numerous nans produced
src (output)