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Last active January 13, 2019 04:10
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First Try of a generalized Drizzle Based Transaction Component with Context.Consumer
/* global web3 */
import React from 'react';
import { DrizzleContext } from "drizzle-react";
import { drizzleProviderFactory } from '../../Provider';
type IDrizzleContext = {
drizzle: object
drizzleState: object
initialized: boolean
type IContractSendProps = {
contractName: string
export class ContractSend extends React.Component<IContractSendProps> {
private drizzle
private initialized
private drizzleState
send(methodName, parameters){
const contract = this.drizzle.contracts[this.props.contractName]
if(!this.initialized) throw Error('Drizzle not initialized')
if(!contract) throw Error('contractName not found')
if(!contract.methods[methodName]) throw Error('methodName not found')
// get correct abi
const abi = contract.abi.find( item => === methodName )
// check if inputs are matching
if(Object.keys(parameters).length !== abi.inputs.length) throw Error(`${parameters.length} parameters given. But expected ${abi.inputs.length}`)
// check if parameter type matches inputs
// TODO: collect params in correct order
const params = input => {
return parameters[]
// check if all names are correct and all parameters are there
if(params.length === 0
|| params.length !== abi.inputs.length) throw Error('parameter name mismatch!')
// TODO check parameters for correct types!
// all seems good make the transaction!
contract.methods[methodName].cacheSend(params, {from: web3._provider.selectedAddress})
// create transactions and keep the transaction hash in the store
// contract.methods.deposit.cacheSend(4,{from:'0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000'})
// just create transaction and not care about it
// contract.methods.deposit(4).send({from:'0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000'})
return <DrizzleContext.Consumer>
{ ({drizzle, drizzleState, initialized} : DrizzleContext) => {
this.drizzle = drizzle
this.drizzleState = drizzleState
this.initialized = initialized
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