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Created May 10, 2020 19:48
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shortest path using bfs
{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns, TupleSections #-}
import qualified Data.Map as M
import qualified Data.Set as S
import qualified Data.Sequence as Seq
import Control.Monad.Except
type User = String
type From = User
type To = User
type Network = M.Map User (S.Set User)
type Path = [User]
type Queue = Seq.Seq (User, [User])
type Seen = S.Set User
data Error
= NoPath From To
| UserNotInNetwork User Network
deriving Show
data Result
= Done Path
| Partial Seen Queue
deriving Show
shortestPath :: From -> To -> Network -> Either Error Path
shortestPath from to network =
case bfs from to network mempty mempty mempty of
Left NoPath{} -> Left $ NoPath from to
x -> x
bfs :: From -> To -> Network -> Path -> Seen -> Queue -> Either Error Path
bfs from to network path seen queue =
case bfsStep from to network path seen queue of
Right (Done path) -> pure path
Right (Partial _ Seq.Empty) -> Left $ NoPath from to
Right (Partial seen ((next, path) Seq.:<| queue)) ->
bfs next to network path seen queue
Left err -> Left err
bfsStep :: From -> To -> Network -> Path -> Seen -> Queue -> Either Error Result
bfsStep from to network ((:) from -> path) (S.insert from -> seen) queue
| from == to = pure $ Done $ reverse path
| otherwise =
case M.lookup from network of
Nothing ->
throwError (UserNotInNetwork from network)
-- we will be
Just friends ->
queue' = Seq.filter ((`S.notMember` seen) . fst) $
queue <> Seq.fromList (map (,path) $ S.toList friends)
pure $ Partial seen queue'
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