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Created December 6, 2015 20:59
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Two moving rectangles, purescript-signal + purescript-canvas
module Main where
import Prelude
import Data.Lens
import Data.Array
import Data.Maybe
import Math
import Data.Traversable
import Control.Monad.Eff
import Graphics.Canvas as C
import Signal as S
import Signal.DOM as S
width :: Number
width = 1024.0
height :: Number
height = 800.0
main = do
Just canvas <- C.getCanvasElementById "canvas"
context <- C.getContext2D canvas
frames <- S.animationFrame
arrowsInputs <- arrows
let input = const <$> arrowsInputs <*> frames
let game = S.foldp update initialState input
S.runSignal (render context <$> game)
arrows = do
leftInput <- S.keyPressed leftKeyCode
rightInput <- S.keyPressed rightKeyCode
upInput <- S.keyPressed upKeyCode
downInput <- S.keyPressed downKeyCode
let asNum b = if b then 1.0 else 0.0
pure $ (\l r u d -> { x: asNum r - asNum l, y: asNum d - asNum u } )
<$> leftInput
<*> rightInput
<*> upInput
<*> downInput
leftKeyCode = 37
rightKeyCode = 39
upKeyCode = 38
downKeyCode = 40
type State
= { rects :: Array Rectangle }
initialState = { rects : [rect1, rect2] }
update :: Point -> State -> State
update direction state =
{ rects : map (updateRect direction) state.rects }
render :: C.Context2D -> State -> Eff ( canvas :: C.Canvas | _) Unit
render context state = do
clearCanvas context
traverse (renderRect context) state.rects
pure unit
clearCanvas ctx = do
C.setFillStyle "#1B1C1B" ctx
C.fillRect ctx { x: 0.0, y: 0.0, w: 1024.0, h: 800.0 }
type Point =
{ x :: Number, y :: Number }
type Rectangle =
{ pos :: Point
, speed :: Number
, color :: String
rect1 :: Rectangle
rect1 =
{ pos : { x : width / 2.0 - 15.0, y : height / 2.0 - 15.0 }
, speed : 8.0
, color : "#0088DD"
rect2 :: Rectangle
rect2 =
{ pos : { x : width / 2.0 - 15.0, y : height / 2.0 - 15.0 }
, speed : 1.0
, color : "#0088DD"
updateRect :: Point -> Rectangle -> Rectangle
updateRect direction rect =
over (pos <<< y) (+ (direction.y * rect.speed)) <<< over (pos <<< x) (+ (direction.x * rect.speed)) $ rect
renderRect :: C.Context2D -> Rectangle -> Eff ( canvas :: C.Canvas | _) Unit
renderRect ctx state = do
C.setFillStyle state.color ctx
C.fillRect ctx { x: state.pos.x
, y: state.pos.y
, w: 30.0, h: 30.0 }
pure unit
pos = lens _.pos (_ { pos = _ })
x = lens _.x (_ { x = _ })
y = lens _.y (_ { y = _ })
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