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Created September 4, 2015 21:17
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A compiler for a Lisp like calculator language which compiles to JavaScript from scratch
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
module CalcCompiler where
import Data.Monoid (Monoid,mempty)
import Control.Applicative (Applicative, pure, (<$>), (<*>), Alternative, empty, (<|>))
import Control.Arrow (first)
import qualified Data.Map as M
-- Model
type Name = String
type Error = String
data Fun = Fun [Name] Expr deriving (Show)
data Expr = ATOM Atom
| LIST [Expr] deriving (Show)
data Atom = Int Int
| Symbol Name deriving (Show)
-- Parser Combinators
data ParseError = ParseError ParseString String
data ParseString = ParseString String (Int, Int) String
data Parser a = Parser (ParseString -> Either ParseError (a, ParseString))
instance Functor Parser where
fmap f (Parser parser) =
Parser (\str -> first f <$> parser str)
instance Applicative Parser where
pure x = Parser (\str -> Right (x, str))
(Parser p2) <*> (Parser p1) =
(\str -> do
(x, rest) <- p1 str
(f, rest') <- p2 rest
return (f x, rest'))
instance Alternative Parser where
empty = Parser (`throwErr` "Failed consuming input")
(Parser p1) <|> (Parser p2) =
(\pstr -> case p1 pstr of
Right result -> Right result
Left _ -> p2 pstr)
instance Monad Parser where
return = pure
(Parser p1) >>= f =
(\str -> case p1 str of
Left err -> Left err
Right (rs, rest) ->
case f rs of
Parser parser -> parser rest)
runParser :: String -> String -> Parser a -> Either ParseError (a, ParseString)
runParser name str (Parser parser) = parser $ ParseString name (0,0) str
throwErr :: ParseString -> String -> Either ParseError a
throwErr ps@(ParseString name (row,col) _) errMsg =
Left $ ParseError ps $ unlines ["*** " ++ name ++ ": " ++ errMsg
,"* On row " ++ show row ++ ", column " ++ show col ++ "."]
readCharacter :: (Char -> Bool) -> Parser Char
readCharacter test =
Parser (\pstr ->
case pstr of
ps@(ParseString name (row, col) str) ->
case str of
[] -> throwErr ps "Cannot read character of empty string"
(c:cs) -> if test c
then Right (c, ParseString name (row, col+1) cs)
else throwErr ps $ "Unexpected character " ++ [c])
oneOf :: String -> Parser Char
oneOf chars =
Parser (\pstr ->
case pstr of
ps@(ParseString name (row, col) str) ->
case str of
[] -> throwErr ps "Cannot read character of empty string"
(c:cs) -> if c `elem` chars
then Right (c, ParseString name (row, col+1) cs)
else throwErr ps $ unlines ["Unexpected character " ++ [c], "Expecting one of: " ++ show chars])
char :: Char -> Parser Char
char c = oneOf [c]
string :: String -> Parser String
string = mapM char
many :: Parser a -> Parser [a]
many parser = go []
where go cs = (parser >>= \c -> go (c:cs)) <|> return (reverse cs)
many1 :: Parser a -> Parser [a]
many1 parser = do
frst <- parser
more <- many parser
return (frst:more)
optional :: Parser a -> Parser (Maybe a)
optional (Parser parser) =
(\pstr -> case parser pstr of
Left _ -> Right (Nothing, pstr)
Right (x, rest) -> Right (Just x, rest))
space :: Parser Char
space = oneOf " \n"
spaces :: Parser String
spaces = many space
spaces1 :: Parser String
spaces1 = many1 space
withSpaces :: Parser a -> Parser a
withSpaces parser = do
_ <- spaces
result <- parser
_ <- spaces
return result
parens :: Parser a -> Parser a
parens parser = do
_ <- withSpaces $ char '('
result <- withSpaces parser
_ <- spaces >> char ')'
return result
sepBy :: Parser a -> Parser b -> Parser [b]
sepBy sep parser = do
frst <- optional parser
rest <- many (sep >> parser)
return $ maybe rest (:rest) frst
-- Lisp Parser
parseExpr :: Parser Expr
parseExpr = fmap LAMBDA parseLambda <|> fmap ATOM parseAtom <|> fmap LIST parseList
parseLambda :: Parser Fun
parseLambda = parens $ do
_ <- string "lambda"
l <- withSpaces $ parens $ spaces >> sepBy spaces1 parseName
e <- withSpaces parseExpr
return $ Fun l e
parseAtom :: Parser Atom
parseAtom = parseSymbol <|> parseInt
parseSymbol :: Parser Atom
parseSymbol = fmap Symbol parseName
parseName :: Parser Name
parseName = do
c <- oneOf ['a'..'z']
cs <- many $ oneOf $ ['a'..'z'] ++ "0123456789"
return (c:cs)
parseInt :: Parser Atom
parseInt = do
sign <- optional $ char '-'
num <- many1 $ oneOf "0123456789"
let result = read $ maybe num (:num) sign
return $ Int result
parseList :: Parser [Expr]
parseList = parens $ sepBy spaces1 parseExpr
runExprParser :: String -> String -> Either String Expr
runExprParser name str =
case runParser name str (withSpaces parseExpr) of
Left (ParseError _ errMsg) -> Left errMsg
Right (result, _) -> Right result
-- Code Generation
type TransError = String
type JSBinOp = String
data JSExpr = JSInt Int
| JSSymbol Name
| JSReturn JSExpr
| JSLambda [Name] JSExpr
| JSBinOp JSBinOp JSExpr JSExpr
| JSAssign Name JSExpr
| JSFunCall JSExpr [JSExpr] deriving (Show)
seperateBy :: String -> [String] -> String
seperateBy _ [] = []
seperateBy str (x:xs) = concat $ x : fmap (str++) xs
indent :: Int -> String -> String
indent tabs e = concat (replicate tabs " ") ++ e
generateJSOp :: JSBinOp -> String
generateJSOp op = op
generateJS :: Bool -> Int -> JSExpr -> String
generateJS doindent tabs = \case
JSInt i -> show i
JSSymbol name -> name
JSLambda vars expr -> (if doindent then indent tabs else id) $ unlines ["function(" ++ seperateBy ", " vars ++ ") {", indent (tabs+1) $ generateJS False (tabs+1) expr] ++ indent tabs "}"
JSBinOp op e1 e2 -> "(" ++ generateJS False tabs e1 ++ " " ++ generateJSOp op ++ " " ++ generateJS False tabs e2 ++ ")"
JSAssign var expr -> var ++ " = " ++ generateJS False tabs expr ++ ";"
JSFunCall f exprs -> "(" ++ generateJS False tabs f ++ ")(" ++ seperateBy ", " (fmap (generateJS False tabs) exprs) ++ ")"
JSReturn expr -> (if doindent then indent tabs else id) $ "return " ++ generateJS False tabs expr ++ ";"
-- Translation
type Builtin = [Expr] -> Either TransError JSExpr
type Builtins = M.Map Name Builtin
builtins :: Builtins
builtins =
[("let", emitLet)
,("add", emitBinOp "add" "+")
,("mul", emitBinOp "mul" "*")
,("sub", emitBinOp "sub" "-")
,("div", emitBinOp "div" "/")
,("print", emitPrint)]
emitLet :: [Expr] -> Either TransError JSExpr
emitLet [LIST binds, body] = do
(vars, vals) <- split binds
vars' <- mapM fromSymbol vars
JSFunCall . JSLambda vars' <$> translateToJS body <*> mapM translateToJS vals
emitLet xs = Left $ "Syntax error. let expected 2 arguments, got: " ++ show (length xs)
emitPrint :: [Expr] -> Either TransError JSExpr
emitPrint [expr] = JSFunCall (JSSymbol "console.log") . (:[]) <$> translateToJS expr
emitPrint xs = Left $ "Syntax error. print expected 1 arguments, got: " ++ show (length xs)
emitBinOp :: Name -> Name -> [Expr] -> Either TransError JSExpr
emitBinOp _ _ [x] = translateToJS x
emitBinOp _ f [x, y] = JSBinOp f <$> translateToJS x <*> translateToJS y
emitBinOp n f (x:xs@(_:_)) = JSBinOp f <$> translateToJS x <*> translateList (ATOM (Symbol n) : xs)
emitBinOp _ f [] = Left $ "Syntax error. " ++ f ++ " expected at least 1 argument, got: 0"
fromSymbol :: Expr -> Either String Name
fromSymbol (ATOM (Symbol s)) = Right s
fromSymbol _ = Left "cannot bind value to non symbol type"
split :: [a] -> Either Error ([a],[a])
split [] = Right ([],[])
split [_] = Left "uneven amount of parameters for let"
split (x:y:xs) =
case split xs of
Right (l1,l2) -> Right (x:l1, y:l2)
Left err -> Left err
translateToJS :: Expr -> Either TransError JSExpr
translateToJS = \case
ATOM (Symbol s) -> pure $ JSSymbol s
ATOM (Int i) -> pure $ JSInt i
LAMBDA (Fun vars body) -> JSLambda vars . JSReturn <$> translateToJS body
LIST xs -> translateList xs
translateList :: [Expr] -> Either TransError JSExpr
translateList = \case
[] -> Left "translating empty list"
(g:xs) ->
(fromSymbol g >>= maybeToEither "" . flip M.lookup builtins >>= \f -> f xs)
<|> JSFunCall <$> translateToJS g <*> mapM translateToJS xs
instance Monoid a => Alternative (Either a) where
empty = Left mempty
a <|> b = case a of
Left _ -> b
Right x -> Right x
maybeToEither :: a -> Maybe b -> Either a b
maybeToEither e Nothing = Left e
maybeToEither _ (Just x) = Right x
-- Glue
fromEither :: Either a a -> a
fromEither y = case y of { Right x -> x; Left x -> x; }
printCompile :: String -> IO ()
printCompile = putStrLn . fromEither . compile
compile :: String -> Either Error String
compile str = generateJS False 0 <$> (translateToJS =<< runExprParser "test" str)
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