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Last active December 3, 2015 20:16
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an SDL2 runtime boilerplate management
-- MySDL: some wrappers and utility functions around SDL
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
module MySDL.MySDL where
import Data.Word (Word8)
import Data.Text (Text)
import Control.Monad (when)
import Control.Monad.IO.Class (MonadIO, liftIO)
import qualified Data.Word as Word
import qualified Foreign.C.Types as C
import qualified SDL
import qualified Linear
-- |Config window
myWindowConfig :: Linear.V2 C.CInt -> SDL.WindowConfig
myWindowConfig size = SDL.defaultWindow { SDL.windowInitialSize = size }
-- |will init SDL and create a Window and pass in as a parameter to function
withWindow :: MonadIO m => Text -> SDL.WindowConfig -> (SDL.Window -> m a) -> m a
withWindow title winConf go = do
SDL.initialize [SDL.InitEverything]
window <- SDL.createWindow title winConf
SDL.showWindow window
result <- go window
SDL.destroyWindow window
pure result
-- |create a Surface and pass in as a parameter to function
withRenderer :: MonadIO m => SDL.Window -> ((SDL.Window, SDL.Renderer) -> m a) -> m a
withRenderer window go = do
renderer <- SDL.createRenderer window (-1) SDL.defaultRenderer
go (window, renderer)
-- |app loop: takes the current world and functions that updates the world renders it
-- manage ticks, events and loop
apploop :: MonadIO m => a -> ([SDL.EventPayload] -> (SDL.Scancode -> Bool) -> a -> m (Either (Maybe String) a)) -> (a -> m ()) -> m a
apploop world update render = do
tick <- SDL.ticks
events <- collectEvents
keyState <- SDL.getKeyboardState
update events keyState world >>= \case
Left Nothing ->
liftIO $ pure world
Left (Just err) ->
liftIO $ putStrLn err >> pure world
Right newWorld -> do
render newWorld
new_tick <- SDL.ticks
regulateTicks 17 tick new_tick
if checkEvent SDL.QuitEvent events
then pure world
else apploop newWorld update render
setBGColor :: MonadIO m => Linear.V4 Word8 -> SDL.Renderer -> m SDL.Renderer
setBGColor color renderer = do
SDL.rendererDrawColor renderer SDL.$= color
SDL.clear renderer
pure renderer
-- |update window
updateWindow :: SDL.Window -> IO ()
updateWindow = SDL.updateWindowSurface
-- |collect all events from inputs
collectEvents :: MonadIO m => m [SDL.EventPayload]
collectEvents = SDL.pollEvent >>= \case
Nothing -> return []
Just e -> (SDL.eventPayload e :) <$> collectEvents
-- |checks if specific event happend
checkEvent :: SDL.EventPayload -> [SDL.EventPayload] -> Bool
checkEvent = elem
-- |will delay until ticks pass
regulateTicks :: MonadIO m => Word.Word32 -> Word.Word32 -> Word.Word32 -> m ()
regulateTicks ticks tick new_tick =
when (ticks - (new_tick - tick) < ticks && (ticks - (new_tick - tick)) > 0) $
SDL.delay $ ticks - (new_tick - tick)
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