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Last active January 4, 2018 06:52
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Leetcode #547 Friend Circles
class Solution {
// M is the friend matrix provided | basic intuition: we need connected components in graph, which can be done by BFS / DFS.
// why does this work ? because applying transitive property to this : a friend of b, b friend of c , c friend of d
// a,b,c,d should fall into 1 friend circle, just imagine a,b,c,d to be nodes of graph and they are connected by an edge if they
// are friends else not connected by an edge, so simply finding the total groups / connected components gives us the answer.
int findCircleNum(vector<vector<int>>& M) {
vector<bool> friendZoned(M.size(), false); // array to keep track of visited in DFS
stack<int> dfs; // stack to execute DFS
int circles = 0; // final ans stored in circles
for(int i = 0; i < M.size(); i++){
circles++; // // person i unvisited so start new friend circle
// DFS magic : { push to stack - pop top - retrieve neighbours - repeat first 3 steps for each unvisited neighbour until stack empty }
int current =; dfs.pop(); // pop top
friendZoned[current] = true; // mark node visited
// retrieve it's unvisited neighbours and push them to stack
for(int j = 0; j < M[current].size(); j++){
if(!friendZoned[j] && M[current][j] == 1){
return circles;
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