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Created January 23, 2019 03:38
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SML Cheat Sheet
val real_division = 14.0 / 4.0 (* gives 3.5 *)
val int_division = 14 div 4 (* gives 3, rounding down *)
val int_remainder = 14 mod 4 (* gives 2, since 3*4 = 12 *)
(* andalso is same as && in c, orelse is same as || in c, not is the negation)
(* Many values can be compared using equality operators: = (==) and <> (!=) *)
list is written as "type list"
list is homogenous, list can only contain one type of thing.
'@' / '^' for list / string resp
- (2::4::6::nil) :: (2::3::5::7::nil) :: (2::4::8::16::32::nil) :: nil;
val it = [[2,4,6],[2,3,5,7],[2,4,8,16,32]] : int list list
val x : int = 3;
val x = 3 : int; (* both are valid *)
(* We can give new names to types. This is called type aliasing *)
type vector2d = real * real
val unitx : vector2d = (1.0,0.0) (* unit vector along x-axis *)
val unity : vector2d = (0.0,1.0) (* unit vector along y-axis *)
(* Tuples, on the other hand, can contain a fixed number of different things *)
val it = () : unit
- ((2,3,4), (true,3.3));
val it = ((2,3,4),(true,3.3)) : (int * int * int) * (bool * real)
false, true is for boolean
- fun (* mutually recursive function definitions *)
= take nil = nil | take (x::xs) = x::(skip xs)
= and
= skip nil = nil | skip (x::xs) = take xs;
val take = fn : 'a list -> 'a list
val skip = fn : 'a list -> 'a list
- fun merge (xs,nil) = xs
= | merge (nil,ys) = ys
= | merge (x::xs,y::ys) = if x<y then x :: merge(xs,y::ys) else y :: merge(x::xs,ys);
- nil;
val it = [] : 'a list
- val curry = (fn f => (fn a => fn b => f(a,b)));
val curry = fn : ('a * 'b -> 'c) -> 'a -> 'b -> 'c
- fun curry (f) (a) (b) = f(a,b);
val curry = fn : ('a * 'b -> 'c) -> 'a -> 'b -> 'c
- fun curry f a b = f (a, b)
- fun uncurry f (a,b) = f a b;
val uncurry = fn : ('a -> 'b -> 'c) -> 'a * 'b -> 'c
(* in uncurry "= f a b" means ((f a) b) *)
- fun add (u,v) = u + v
- fun addp u v = u + v
(* val add : int * int -> int
val addp : int -> (int -> int) *)
- val addp1 = curry add;
val addp1 = fn : int -> int -> int
- val add1 = uncurry addp;
val add1 = fn : int * int -> int
fun map f [] = [] (* We could have replaced [] by nil *)
| map f (x::xs) = f(x) :: map f xs
(* 'a is called a type variable. *)
- datatype color = Red | Blue | Green;
datatype color = Blue | Green | Red
- Blue; Red; Green;
val it = Blue : color
val it = Red : color
val it = Green : color
(* Here is a function that takes one of these as argument *)
fun say(col) =
if col = Red then "You are red!" else
if col = Green then "You are green!" else
if col = Blue then "You are blue!" else
raise Fail "Unknown color"
fun say Red = "You are red!"
| say Green = "You are green!"
| say Blue = "You are blue!"
fun evenly_positioned_elems (odd::even::xs) = even::evenly_positioned_elems xs
| evenly_positioned_elems [odd] = [] (* Base case: throw away *)
| evenly_positioned_elems [] = [] (* Base case *)
(* The case expression can also be used to pattern match and return a value *)
datatype temp =
C of real
| F of real
fun temp_to_f t =
case t of
C x => x * (9.0 / 5.0) + 32.0
| F x => x
(* Here is a binary tree datatype *)
datatype 'a tree = Nil
| Node of 'a tree * 'a * 'a tree;
fun inorder (Nil) = []
| inorder (Node (left, x, right)) = inorder (left) @ (x :: nil) @ inorder (right);
fun rotate (Nil) = Nil
| rotate (Node (Nil, x, t)) = Node (Nil, x, t)
| rotate (Node (Node (t1, b, t2), a, t3)) = Node (t1, b, Node (t2, a, t3));
A structure is defined as follows:
structure Name = struct
structure foo = struct
type t = string
val say = fn x => TextIO.print x
foo.say "Hi!\n"; (* Will print Hi! *)
Signatures Give the interface of a structure.
signature NAME = sig
Signatures, example
signature bar = sig
type t
val say : t -> unit
To say that the structure foo implements the signature bar:
structure foo:bar = struct
type t = string
val say = fn x => TextIO.print x
val hello = fn ()
=> TextIO.print "hello/n"
foo.say "hej"
is OK,
but not foo.hello() as it is not the part of the signature
Build structures from structures.
functor FunctorName (ParamName : SigName)
= struct
To make a structure, we do as follows:
structure ResultStructure
= FunctorName (ArgumentStructure)
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