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Created February 16, 2021 07:42
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Bit Manipulation Cheatsheet (C++)


Bitwise And --> &

Bitwise Or --> |

Bitwise xor --> ^

Bitwise Not --> ~

Bitwise Left Shift --> <<

Bitwise Right Shift --> >>

Arithmetic Operations

y = x << 2 Same as writing y = x * 2 ** 2

y = x >> 2 Same as writing y = x / 2 ** 2

(x & 1) Checks if x is odd

(x & 1) ^ 1 Checks if x is even

x && !(x & (x - 1)) Checks if x is power of 2

x ^ y Checks if x == y

Bitwise Operations

x & (1 << n) Checks if nth bit is set

(x >> n) & 1 Checks if nth bit is set

x = (x ^ (1 << n)) Toggles the nth bit of x

x = (x | (1 << n)) Set the nth bit of x

x = (x & ~(1 << n)) Unset the nth bit of x

x = x & (x - 1) Turn off the rightmost 1 bit

x = x & -x Isolate the rightmost 1 bit

x = x | (x - 1) Right propagate rightmost 1 bit

x = x | (x + 1) Turn on the rightmost 0 bit

x = ~x & (x + 1) Isolate the rightmost 0 bit

Useful Bitwise Tricks for Problem Solving

  1. Loop until i == 0

	for (int i = n; ~i; i--) {
		// do something
  1. Number of set bits in a number n

	int numberOfSetBits = 0;
	while (n) {
		numberOfSetBits += (n & 1);
		n >>= 1;
	cout << numberOfSetBits << endl;

Some useful G++ stl functions

__builtin_popcount(n) counts the number of bits in n

__builtin_clz(n) counts the number of leading zeros in n

__builtin_ctz(n) counts the number of trailing zeros in n

__builtin_parity(n) checks the parity of a number (odd number of set bits)

Info: To make these work for long long data type, just put ll in the end of the functions, e.g. __builtin_popcountll(n) will return the number of set bits in n of long long data type

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