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Created November 2, 2012 09:04
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// Demo class which the super class
package com.source;
public class Demo {
// variables that belongs to the class
private int a;
public int b;
protected int c;
int d;
/* no arguement constructor*/
public Demo() {
System.out.println("This is a public demo constructor");
/* one arguement constructor which is private */
private Demo( String one ){
System.out.println("This is a private one argument demo constructor");
private void method(){
System.out.println("This is a private method");
public void method1(){
System.out.println("This is a public method1");
protected void method2(){
System.out.println("This is a protected method2");
void method3(){
System.out.println("This is a defualt method");
// Inner classes inside Demo class
public static class PublicStaticInnerClassOfDemo{
public void InnerMethod(){
System.out.println("public static class *Hi I am inside an innerMethod which is public");
public static void staticInnerMethod(){
System.out.println("public static class *Hi I am inside an innerMethod which is public static ");
private static void staticInnerMethodPrivate(){
System.out.println("public static class *Hi I am inside an innerMethod which is private static ");
protected static void staticInnerMethodProtected(){
System.out.println("public static class *Hi I am inside an innerMethod which is protected static");
static void staticInnerMethodDefault(){
System.out.println("public static class *Hi I am inside an innerMethod which is default static ");
protected class ProtectedInnerClassOfDemo{
public void InnerMethodPublic(){
System.out.println("ProtectedInnerClassOfDemo *Hi I am inside an innerMethod which is public");
private void InnerMethodPrivate(){
System.out.println("ProtectedInnerClassOfDemo *Hi I am inside an innerMethod which is private ");
protected void InnerMethodProtected(){
System.out.println("ProtectedInnerClassOfDemo *Hi I am inside an innerMethod which is protected ");
void InnerMethodDefault(){
System.out.println("ProtectedInnerClassOfDemo *Hi I am inside an innerMethod which is default ");
class DefaultInnerClassOfDemo{
public void InnerMethodPublic(){
System.out.println("DefaultInnerClassOfDemo *Hi I am inside an innerMethod which is public");
private void InnerMethodPrivate(){
System.out.println("DefaultInnerClassOfDemo *Hi I am inside an innerMethod which is private ");
protected void InnerMethodProtected(){
System.out.println("DefaultInnerClassOfDemo *Hi I am inside an innerMethod which is protected ");
void InnerMethodDefault(){
System.out.println("DefaultInnerClassOfDemo *Hi I am inside an innerMethod which is default ");
private class PrivateInnerClassOfDemo{
// you can't extend private inner class of Demo
public class PublicInnerClassOfDemo{
/*The method innerMethod1 cannot be declared
static; static methods can only be declared in a
static or top level type*/
// public static void innerMethod1(){}
public void InnerMethodPublic(){
System.out.println("PublicInnerClassOfDemo *Hi I am inside an innerMethod which is public");
private void InnerMethodPrivate(){
System.out.println("PublicInnerClassOfDemo *Hi I am inside an innerMethod which is private ");
protected void InnerMethodProtected(){
System.out.println("PublicInnerClassOfDemo *Hi I am inside an innerMethod which is protected ");
void InnerMethodDefault(){
System.out.println("PublicInnerClassOfDemo *Hi I am inside an innerMethod which is default ");
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