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Created September 28, 2015 00:49
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* Minimum number of swaps to rearrange to adjacent pairs
* @param arr Array of integers
* @param pairings Map of pairs
* @return Tuple of the minimum number of swaps and the rearrangements with minimal
* swaps such that each rearrangement is a list of adjacent pairs
def minSwapsForAdjacentPairs(arr: Array[Int], pairings: Map[Int, Int]): (Int, Seq[Seq[Int]]) = {
// Add each (v -> k) to map
val pairs = pairings ++ pairings map { case (k, v) => (v, k) }
def swapEm(i: Int, lastElem: Int, rest: Seq[Int], changes: Int): Seq[(Int, Seq[Int])] = {
if (rest.isEmpty) Seq((changes, Seq()))
else {
val head = rest.head
for {
elem <- rest
if i % 2 == 0 || (i % 2 == 1 && pairs(elem) == lastElem) // Prune if not a pair
remaining = => if (e == elem) head else e) // Swap elem
diff = if (elem != head) 1 else 0 // Add 1 if swapped
(chgs, suffix) <- swapEm(i + 1, elem, remaining, changes + diff)
} yield (chgs, elem +: suffix)
val swaps = swapEm(0, 0, arr, 0)
val min =
(min, swaps.filter(_._1 == min).map(_._2))
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