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Created May 27, 2016 11:42
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const range = require('array-range');
// console.log('Basic value grid')
// const initialGrid = makeGrid(5, 5, 2)
// console.log(initialGrid)
// console.log('Constructed grid')
// const constructedGrid = makeGrid(5, 5, (x, y, rows, columns) => (columns*y+x))
// console.log(constructedGrid)
// console.log('2048 grid')
// const 2048 = makeGrid(5, 5, (x, y, rows, columns) => {
// return (x === rows - 1 && y === columns - 1) ? 2 : undefined
// })
// console.log(randomGrid)
const LEFT = [-1, 0]
const RIGHT = [1, 0]
const UP = [0, -1]
const DOWN = [0, 1]
const EMPTY_TILE = ' '
const START_VALUE = 2
function getRandomInt (min, max) {
return Math.floor(Math.random() * (max - min + 1)) + min
function makeGrid (rows, columns, constructor) {
return Array.from(Array(rows)).map((_, yIndex) =>
Array.from(Array(columns)).map((_, xIndex) => {
return (typeof constructor === 'function')
? constructor(xIndex, yIndex, rows, columns)
: constructor
function mutateGrid (grid, mutator) {
const rows = grid
return, yIndex) =>, xIndex) => mutator(xIndex, yIndex, cellValue))
function create2048Grid (rows, columns) {
const firstTile = createRandomPair(0, columns-1, 0, rows-1)
const secondTile = createRandomPair(0, columns-1, 0, rows-1, [firstTile])
return makeGrid(rows, columns, (x, y) => {
const value = (
x === firstTile[0] && y === firstTile[1]
|| x === secondTile[0] && y === secondTile[1]
return value
function createRandomPair (xMin, xMax, yMin, yMax, existingPairs = []) {
const randomPair = [getRandomInt(xMin, xMax), getRandomInt(yMin, yMax)]
const [randomX, randomY] = randomPair
const pairExists = existingPairs.find(([x, y]) => x === randomX && y === randomY)
return (pairExists)
? createRandomPair(xMin, xMax, yMin, yMax, existingPairs)
: randomPair
function shiftGrid (grid, direction) {
const rows = grid
const newGrid = [...grid]
let moveOccured = false
rows.forEach((row, yIndex) => {
const y = (direction === UP) ? row.length-1 - yIndex : yIndex
row.forEach((cell, xIndex) => {
const x = (direction === RIGHT) ? rows.length-1 - xIndex : xIndex
const currentCell = newGrid[y][x]
if (currentCell === EMPTY_TILE) return
const nextX = x + direction[0]
const nextY = y + direction[1]
if (nextX < 0 || nextX >= row.length) return
if (nextY < 0 || nextY >= rows.length) return
if (newGrid[nextY][nextX] === EMPTY_TILE) {
newGrid[nextY][nextX] = currentCell
newGrid[y][x] = EMPTY_TILE
moveOccured = true
} else if (newGrid[nextY][nextX] === currentCell) {
newGrid[nextY][nextX] = currentCell*2
newGrid[y][x] = EMPTY_TILE
moveOccured = true
// console.log(findOccupiedCells(newGrid))
if (moveOccured) {
const [newTileX, newTileY] = createRandomPair(0, newGrid[0].length-1, 0, newGrid.length-1)
newGrid[newTileY][newTileX] = 2
return newGrid
function findOccupiedCells (grid) {
return grid.reduce((occupied, row, yIndex) => {
const occupiedOnRow = row.reduce((occupiedOnRow, cell, xIndex) => {
return (cell !== EMPTY_TILE) ? [...occupiedOnRow, [xIndex, yIndex]] : occupiedOnRow
}, [])
return [...occupied, ...occupiedOnRow]
}, [])
function printGrid (grid) {
console.log(' ' + grid[0].map((_, index) => index).join(' '))
console.log(, y) => {
return `${y} ${, x) => grid[y][x]).join(' ')}`
// const grid = create2048Grid(4, 4)
// printGrid(grid)
// // hgh
// /*
// kgdlfkgdfgk
// */
// const step1 = shiftGrid(grid, LEFT)
// printGrid(step1)
// const step2 = shiftGrid(step1, RIGHT)
// printGrid(step2)
const steps = [
[UP, 'up'],
[RIGHT, 'right'],
[UP, 'up'],
[RIGHT, 'right'],
[UP, 'up'],
[RIGHT, 'right'],
[LEFT, 'left'],
[UP, 'up'],
[RIGHT, 'right'],
[UP, 'up'],
[RIGHT, 'right'],
[UP, 'up'],
[RIGHT, 'right'],
[LEFT, 'left'],
[UP, 'up'],
[RIGHT, 'right'],
[UP, 'up'],
[RIGHT, 'right'],
[UP, 'up'],
[RIGHT, 'right'],
// [UP, 'up'],
// [RIGHT, 'right'],
[LEFT, 'left']
const grid = create2048Grid(4, 4);
const newGrid = steps.reduce((grid, [direction, label]) => {
const newGrid = shiftGrid(grid, direction)
return newGrid
}, grid)
function findFarthestPosition (grid, [x, y], direction) {
switch (direction) {
case UP:
if (y === 0) return [x, y]
const obstacle = range(0, y).reverse().find(y => {
console.log('Looking at', [x, y])
return grid[y][x] !== EMPTY_TILE
return [x, obstacle-1 || 0]
case DOWN:
// if (y === grid.length-1) return [x, y]
// const obstacle = range(y+1, grid.length-1).find(y => {
// return grid[y][x] !== EMPTY_TILE
// })
// return [x, obstacle-1]
case LEFT:
case RIGHT:
findFarthestPosition(newGrid, [0, 2], UP);
// console.log('Mutated grid')
// const mutatedGrid = mutateGrid(initialGrid, (x, y, value) => {
// // if (x % 2 === 0) return '1'
// // return value
// // return value * 2
// return Math.round(Math.random()*10) || undefined
// })
// console.log(mutatedGrid)
// console.log('Shifted grid')
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