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Last active August 30, 2018 00:55
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Noob experiments on the prime generator - see the paper from Melissa E. O’Neill
#!/usr/bin/env stack
-- stack --resolver lts-11.14 --install-ghc runghc --package data-ordlist --package PSQueue-1.1 --package pqueue-
import Text.Printf
import Data.List.Ordered ( minus )
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import qualified Data.PSQueue as PSQ
import qualified Data.PQueue.Min as PQ
import System.CPUTime
primes1 = sieve [2..]
sieve (p : xs) = p : sieve [ x | x <- xs, x `mod` p > 0 ]
primes2 :: [ Int ]
primes2 = 2 : 3 : nextPrime primes2 [ 4 .. ]
nextPrime restPrimes integrals =
let ( p : ps ) = restPrimes
notMultples = filter ( \x -> x `mod` p /= 0 ) integrals
in head notMultples : nextPrime ps ( tail notMultples )
primes3 :: [ Int ]
primes3 = sieve [ 2 .. ]
sieve [] = []
sieve ( p:xs ) = p : sieve( xs `minus` [ p*p, p*p+p .. ] )
trialDivisionPrimes = 2 : [ x | x <- [ 3 .. ], isPrime x ]
isPrime x = all ( \p -> x `mod` p > 0 ) ( candidateFactors x )
candidateFactors x = takeWhile ( \p -> p*p <= x ) trialDivisionPrimes
primes = 2:([3..] `minus` composites)
composites = union [multiples p | p <- primes]
multiples n = map (n*) [n..]
(x:xs) `minus` (y:ys)
| x < y = x:(xs `minus` (y:ys))
| x == y = xs `minus` ys
| x > y = (x:xs) `minus` ys
union = foldr merge []
merge (x:xs) ys = x:merge' xs ys
merge' (x:xs) (y:ys)
| x < y = x:merge' xs (y:ys)
| x == y = x:merge' xs ys
| x > y = y:merge' (x:xs) ys
candidates = [3,5..]
mapPrime = sieve [ 2 .. ]
sieve xs = sieve' xs Map.empty
sieve' [] table = []
sieve' (x:xs) table =
case Map.lookup x table of
Nothing -> x : sieve' xs ( Map.insert ( x*x ) [ x ] table )
Just facts -> sieve' xs ( foldl reinsert ( Map.delete x table ) facts )
reinsert table prime = Map.insertWith (++) ( x + prime ) [ prime ] table
psqPrime = 2 : sieve candidates
sieve [] = []
sieve (x:xs) = x : sieve' xs ( insertPrime x xs PSQ.empty )
insertPrime p xs table = PSQ.insert ( map ( * p ) xs ) ( p*p ) table
sieve' [] table = []
sieve' (x:xs) table
| nextComposite <= x = sieve' xs ( adjust table )
| otherwise = x : sieve' xs ( insertPrime x xs table )
nextComposite = case PSQ.findMin table of
Just minBinding -> PSQ.prio minBinding
Nothing -> error "Empty PSQ!"
adjust table
| n <= x = adjust ( PSQ.insert ns n' . PSQ.deleteMin $ table )
| otherwise = table
( n':ns, n ) = case PSQ.findMin table of
Just ( k PSQ.:-> v ) -> ( k, v )
Nothing -> error "Empty PSQ!"
-- adding the simple wheel will make this quite fast!
-- pqPrime = 2 : 3 : 5 : 7 : sieve ( spin wheel 11 )
pqPrime = 2 : sieve candidates
sieve [] = []
sieve (x:xs) = x : sieve' xs ( insertPrime x xs PQ.empty )
insertPrime p xs table = PQ.insert ( p*p, map ( * p ) xs ) table
sieve' [] table = []
sieve' (x:xs) table
| nextComposite <= x = sieve' xs ( adjust table )
| otherwise = x : sieve' xs ( insertPrime x xs table )
( nextComposite, _ ) = PQ.findMin table
adjust table
| n <= x = adjust ( PQ.insert ( n', ns ) . PQ.deleteMin $ table )
| otherwise = table
( n, n':ns ) = PQ.findMin table
data PriorityQ k v = Lf
| Br {-# UNPACK #-} !k v !(PriorityQ k v) !(PriorityQ k v)
deriving (Eq, Ord, Read, Show)
emptyPQ :: PriorityQ k v
emptyPQ = Lf
isEmptyPQ :: PriorityQ k v -> Bool
isEmptyPQ Lf = True
isEmptyPQ _ = False
minKeyValuePQ :: PriorityQ k v -> (k, v)
minKeyValuePQ (Br k v _ _) = (k,v)
minKeyValuePQ _ = error "Empty heap!"
minKeyPQ :: PriorityQ k v -> k
minKeyPQ (Br k v _ _) = k
minKeyPQ _ = error "Empty heap!"
minValuePQ :: PriorityQ k v -> v
minValuePQ (Br k v _ _) = v
minValuePQ _ = error "Empty heap!"
insertPQ :: Ord k => k -> v -> PriorityQ k v -> PriorityQ k v
insertPQ wk wv (Br vk vv t1 t2)
| wk <= vk = Br wk wv (insertPQ vk vv t2) t1
| otherwise = Br vk vv (insertPQ wk wv t2) t1
insertPQ wk wv Lf = Br wk wv Lf Lf
siftdown :: Ord k => k -> v -> PriorityQ k v -> PriorityQ k v -> PriorityQ k v
siftdown wk wv Lf _ = Br wk wv Lf Lf
siftdown wk wv (t @ (Br vk vv _ _)) Lf
| wk <= vk = Br wk wv t Lf
| otherwise = Br vk vv (Br wk wv Lf Lf) Lf
siftdown wk wv (t1 @ (Br vk1 vv1 p1 q1)) (t2 @ (Br vk2 vv2 p2 q2))
| wk <= vk1 && wk <= vk2 = Br wk wv t1 t2
| vk1 <= vk2 = Br vk1 vv1 (siftdown wk wv p1 q1) t2
| otherwise = Br vk2 vv2 t1 (siftdown wk wv p2 q2)
deleteMinAndInsertPQ :: Ord k => k -> v -> PriorityQ k v -> PriorityQ k v
deleteMinAndInsertPQ wk wv Lf = error "Empty PriorityQ"
deleteMinAndInsertPQ wk wv (Br _ _ t1 t2) = siftdown wk wv t1 t2
leftrem :: PriorityQ k v -> (k, v, PriorityQ k v)
leftrem (Br vk vv Lf Lf) = (vk, vv, Lf)
leftrem (Br vk vv t1 t2) = (wk, wv, Br vk vv t2 t) where
(wk, wv, t) = leftrem t1
leftrem _ = error "Empty heap!"
deleteMinPQ :: Ord k => PriorityQ k v -> PriorityQ k v
deleteMinPQ (Br vk vv Lf _) = Lf
deleteMinPQ (Br vk vv t1 t2) = siftdown wk wv t2 t where
(wk,wv,t) = leftrem t1
deleteMinPQ _ = error "Empty heap!"
-- A hybrid of Priority Queues and regular queues. It allows a priority
-- queue to have a feeder queue, filled with items that come in an
-- increasing order. By keeping the feed for the queue separate, we
-- avoid needlessly filling an O(log n) data structure with data that
-- it won't need for a long time.
type HybridQ k v = (PriorityQ k v, [(k,v)])
initHQ :: PriorityQ k v -> [(k,v)] -> HybridQ k v
initHQ pq feeder = (pq, feeder)
insertHQ :: (Ord k) => k -> v -> HybridQ k v -> HybridQ k v
insertHQ k v (pq, q) = (insertPQ k v pq, q)
deleteMinAndInsertHQ :: (Ord k) => k -> v -> HybridQ k v -> HybridQ k v
deleteMinAndInsertHQ k v (pq, q) = postRemoveHQ(deleteMinAndInsertPQ k v pq, q)
postRemoveHQ mq@(pq, []) = mq
postRemoveHQ mq@(pq, (qk,qv) : qs)
| qk < minKeyPQ pq = (insertPQ qk qv pq, qs)
| otherwise = mq
minKeyHQ :: HybridQ k v -> k
minKeyHQ (pq, q) = minKeyPQ pq
minKeyValueHQ :: HybridQ k v -> (k, v)
minKeyValueHQ (pq, q) = minKeyValuePQ pq
wheel :: Integral a => [a]
wheel = 2:4:2:4:6:2:6:4:2:4:6:6:2:6:4:2:6:4:6:8:4:2:4:2:4:8:6:4:6:2:4:6:2:6:6:4:2:4:6:2:6:4:2:4:2:10:2:10:wheel
spin (x:xs) n = n : spin xs (n+x)
originalONeilPrimes = 2 : 3 : 5 : 7 : sieve ( spin wheel 11 )
sieve [] = []
sieve (x:xs) = x : sieve' xs (insertprime x xs emptyPQ)
insertprime p xs table = insertPQ (p*p) (map (* p) xs) table
sieve' [] table = []
sieve' (x:xs) table
| nextComposite <= x = sieve' xs (adjust table)
| otherwise = x : sieve' xs (insertprime x xs table)
nextComposite = minKeyPQ table
adjust table
| n <= x = adjust (deleteMinAndInsertPQ n' ns table)
| otherwise = table
(n, n':ns) = minKeyValuePQ table
birdPrimes = 2 : ( [ 3 .. ] `minus` composites )
composites = union [ multiples p | p <- birdPrimes ]
multiples n = map ( n* ) [ n .. ]
( x:xs ) `minus` ( y:ys )
| x < y = x : ( xs `minus` ( y:ys ) )
| x == y = xs `minus` ys
| x > y = ( x:xs ) `minus` ys
union = foldr merge []
merge ( x:xs ) ys = x:merge' xs ys
merge' ( x:xs ) ( y:ys )
| x < y = x:merge' xs ( y:ys )
| x == y = x:merge' xs ys
| x > y = y:merge' ( x:xs ) ys
simpleTime label v = do
begin <- getCPUTime
print v
end <- getCPUTime
let diff = ( fromIntegral ( end - begin ) ) / ( 10^12 )
printf "%s costs: %0.3f sec\n" label ( diff :: Double )
takeTerminate = last . take 50000
main = do
simpleTime "originalONeilPrimes" ( takeTerminate originalONeilPrimes )
simpleTime "mapPrime" ( takeTerminate mapPrime )
simpleTime "pqPrime" ( takeTerminate pqPrime )
simpleTime "psqPrime" ( takeTerminate psqPrime )
simpleTime "trialDivisionPrimes" ( takeTerminate trialDivisionPrimes )
simpleTime "birdPrimes" ( takeTerminate birdPrimes )
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