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Last active July 8, 2020 08:34
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= f.label :email, required: true, class: "block text-xxs uppercase text-gray-500" do |label_builder|
= label_builder.translation t("required")
= f.email_field :email, autocomplete: false, required: true, class: "form-input mt-1 block w-full text-field focus:shadow-outline focus:border-green-300", placeholder: ""
# Or with the form builder
= f.label :email, required: true, class: "block text-xxs uppercase text-gray-500", required_class: "ml-2 normal-case text-orange-400 text-xxs font-semibold"
= f.email_field :email, autocomplete: false, required: true, class: "form-input mt-1 block w-full text-field focus:shadow-outline focus:border-green-300", placeholder: ""
= f.label :email, required: true, class: "block text-xxs uppercase text-gray-500" do
= f.object.class.human_attribute_name(:email) t("required")
= f.email_field :email, autocomplete: false, required: true, class: "form-input mt-1 block w-full text-field focus:shadow-outline focus:border-green-300", placeholder: ""
= f.label :email, required: true, class: "block text-xxs uppercase text-gray-500"
= f.email_field :email, autocomplete: false, required: true, class: "form-input mt-1 block w-full text-field focus:shadow-outline focus:border-green-300", placeholder: ""
# In case you want to put that in a form builder
class RequiringFormBuilder < ActionView::Helpers::FormBuilder
def label(method, text = nil, options = {}, &block)
text_is_options = text.is_a?(Hash)
required = text_is_options ? text[:required] : options[:required]
if required
required_class = text_is_options ? text.delete(:required_class) : options.delete(:required_class)
super(method, text, options) do |label_builder|
@template.concat label_builder.translation
@template.concat @template.content_tag(:span, I18n.t("required", scope: :helpers), class: required_class)
@template.concat(@template.capture(label_builder, &block)) if block_given?
super(method, text, options, &block)
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