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Last active June 20, 2024 01:32
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"$schema": "",
"basics": {
"name": "Michelle Lupei",
"label": "Senior User Experience Architect (IxD/UX)",
"image": "",
"email": "",
"phone": "",
"summary": "I design for human nature.\n\nTranslation: I concept and design incredibly innovative, extremely intuitive, usable and sometimes fun interfaces... and I just happen to be capable of building what I design.\n\nDesign = communication. \n\nMy cross-disciplinary academic background in cultural and linguistic anthropology, evolutionary biology and bioinfomatics, experience directing communications strategy on a local, national, and global scale, and a passion for technology, I eventually found my niche as a user experience architect and software prototyper.\n\nMy practice focuses primarily on mobile and web applications, and although I have a wide range of experience, I specialize in location-aware, machine learning/AI-powered, and social media-driven products that engage users, helping users and other stakeholders achieve their goals while embracing the three pillars of sustainable development – social, environmental, and fiscal responsibility.\n\nMy current projects focus heavily on cross-cultural information architecture design, data visualization, linguistic and biochemical data mining, intelligence analysis and semantic extraction. \n\nI prefer working at the top of the UX spectrum (conceptual/IxD), but am comfortable working in visual design as well.\n\nSpecialties: Designing for human nature. Predicting points of user failure, and designing solutions that obviate those errors. Mediating awkwardness and frustration at the human-computer interface, particularly when AI generates odd or awful results.\n\nCreating stuff:\nIn addition to skills listed below, I've worked extensively with computational linguistics and NLP, bioinformatics, computer vision, generative and vector artworks, 2d and 3d design using both traditional programs and a custom object-oriented command-line ruby gem. And when I have spare time, I tinker with Arduino and Raspberry Pi, and work on improving two 3d printers I designed - one hexagonal deltabot, and a modular 3d printing platform using planar actuation motors.\n\nI play violin, cello, piano, jazz guitar, and I have been known to own the karaoke mic on occasion.\n\nPlease note, given security concerns, I maintain confidentiality regarding client identities in the public space; additional information may be made available in direct communication.",
"location": {
"countryCode": "US",
"address": "United States"
"profiles": [
"network": "LinkedIn",
"username": "mlupei",
"url": ""
"work": [
"name": "GoodCubed",
"position": "Principal User Experience Architect/Developer",
"startDate": "2009-11-30",
"highlights": [],
"summary": "Freelance user experience / interaction design, plus mobile and web development for internal & client projects. Core practice leveraged symbiotic design to facilitate bidirectional human/computer interaction with AI/Machine Learning-generated content and social media-driven intelligence.\n\nServed clients and users from Silicon Valley to K Street to Wall Street, in public, private, and non-profit sectors. Industries served include the more traditional e-commerce, entertainment, education, financial services, wellness and health care industries, as well as more niche experience designing for security and geopolitical intelligence practitioners (supporting both OSINT & CSINT).\n\nPromoted human/computer interactions to drive real-time model optimization, leveraging signal from user interaction and linguistic cues alongside other direct/indirect feedback mechanisms to generate training data.\n\nPlease see Projects section for more information about past projects.",
"url": ""
"name": "n/a",
"position": "Independent Analyst + Strategist",
"startDate": "2013-11-30",
"highlights": [],
"summary": "INTELLIGENCE ANALYSIS, DESIGN + MEDIA STRATEGY combatting domestic & foreign operations linked to child sex trafficking and the 2016-2020 election cycles. Provided actionable information to local & federal authorities, media outlets & political actors across a broad range of subject matter, including:\n\n* Used computational linguistics to parse NCMEC data and identify open missing persons case linking Politically Exposed Persons to child sex trafficking; helped global mainstream media outlets, local authorities identify & locate victim to confirm perpetrator identities.\n\n* Leveraging past experience with cognitive framing and communications strategy regarding sexually predatory PEP, architected strategy to minimize risk of potential civil conflict upon release of allegations and indictments for predatory sexual behaviour among domestic and foreign Politically Exposed Persons at request of mainstream media & law enforcement.\nProposed a 4-phase release of information about serial sexual predators & strategically targeted prosecutions to build awareness of the pervasiveness of sexual violence & change the social dynamics of response to claims of sexual abuse. Implementation ongoing since 2017.\n\n\n* Applied OSINT, computer vision, digital forensics, pattern-of-life analysis & link analysis to identify suspects and organizations linked to arson, terrorism, money laundering and other criminal & corrupt activities; targets subsequently to indictments, deportations, and sanctions. Used publicly-available toolkits (Maltego, Kali linux) and bespoke platform for intelligence collection, classification, manual and automated link generation.\n\n* Consulted with multiple national and global media outlets to combat disinformation pushed by hostile foreign intelligence efforts.\n\n* Designed and developed a platform allowing teams of analysts to collaborate in identification, tracking, & reporting botnets, socknets, foreign and domestic disinformation operations (i.e. Pizzagate, QAnon)" },
"name": "IDAEON Inc.",
"position": "Co-Founder",
"startDate": "2017-07-31",
"endDate": "2018-07-31",
"highlights": [],
"summary": "CTO and UX designer prototype of multi-factor identity verification & content authorization system leveraging Hyperledger Fabric platform.\nTest cases included:\n* chat-based medical triage, real-time opt-in elective medical information sharing for health care and clinical studies\n* fisheries supply chain tracking with real-time regulatory data sharing\n* global content subscriptions - allowing content creators to control access on any or all platforms based on group membership and live token authorization, permitting content creators to specify level of confidence in user's true identity [registration type (in-person ID verification, mobile device registration) authentication type (biometric, password or personal token); authentication token expiration period ]",
"url": "",
"location": "Portland, Maine Metropolitan Area"
"name": "Scitech Hands On Museum",
"position": "Lead Educator + Interaction Designer",
"startDate": "2014-02-28",
"endDate": "2014-11-30",
"highlights": [],
"summary": "Developed and updated curricula for educational programs and week-long courses in Aeronautical engineering, aviation & ballistics; forensics; engineering; general physical and chemical sciences.\n\n* Designed a new program in software development, electronics and robotics leveraging Raspberry Pi.\n\n* Produced supporting and promotional materials for educational programs.\n\n* Led entertaining STEAM demonstrations and hands-on exploration sessions for a range of physics, engineering, chemistry and biology subjects, x for up to 60 participants (mostly under the age of 12).\n\n* Contributed to modernization of existing educational exhibits, facilities and practices.\n\n* Provided a comprehensive, unified conceptual and interactive vision for future development emphasizing application of exemplar concepts to the big picture.\n\n* Designed experiences to integrate modern technology like computer vision, augmented reality, virtual reality and the use of NFC/mobile device interactions with exhibits to track visitor flow - using 'easter eggs' and customization as prompts to ensure safety of student guests and facilitate 'fair play' and equal access to exhibits.\n\n* Leveraged gameplay mechanics and visual/aural stimuli and emphasized interactions crossing the midline to facilitate bilateral integration and create a holistic learning experience.\n\n* Designed and secured initial funding for next-generation digital learning lab and makerspace",
"url": "",
"location": "Aurora, Il"
"name": "eBay Inc",
"position": "Lead User Experience Designer/Rapid Prototyper, Incubations team, eBay Research Labs (Consultant)",
"startDate": "2011-07-31",
"endDate": "2012-07-31",
"highlights": [],
"summary": "Led user experience research and design efforts across all phases of conceptual, interaction, interface, and graphic design leveraging and informing the innovations of the computer scientists in eBay Research Labs.\n\n* Design and front-end MVC Javascript prototypes for a variety of mobile- and web-based projects.\n\n* Leveraged and proposed innovations in the implementation of novel algorithms and pipelines in diverse applications in computer vision, computational linguistics, recommendation engines, sentiment analysis and relationship mapping to facilitate an improved user experience on standalone projects for eventual integration into\n\n* Applied ethnographic analysis and anthropological theory to understand and design for the myriad social expectations surrounding the personal and cultural phenomena of gift-giving.\n\n* Ensured all engineering decisions focused on maximizing usability and relevance to target market by involving team members in creative exercises - e.g., stressing the roles of explicit and implicit feedback in recommendation engines by walking - literally - in their target users' shoes (5\" platform heels, to be precise).\n\n* Consulted on improving usability of key areas of information architecture and user flows, and integration of computer vision and computational linguistics to facilitate a more targeted browse- and search experience.\n\n* Leveraged modern tools to facilitate rapid development of mobile- and web-targeted prototypes, such as Backbone.js, mustache.js, d3 visualization scripts, jQuery mobile, LessCSS, and - of course - HTML5.",
"url": "",
"location": "San Jose, CA"
"name": "3VR Security",
"position": "User Experience Architect",
"startDate": "2006-09-30",
"endDate": "2009-01-31",
"highlights": [],
"summary": "Intuitive & engaging interaction design is essential when lives are at stake.\n\nIntuitive usability for novice stakeholders in high stress situation like bank robberies and carjackings in progress was essential, as was integration of affordances to ensure security personnel remained engaged on long overnight shifts, and that investigators could effortlessly retrieve and share evidence from across their enterprise to build cases that result in convictions.\n\nUsability, interaction design + documentation for intelligent video surveillance appliances and client software platform, enterprise management appliances. \n\nSeamlessly integrated facial recognition, object recognition, transaction data with event-based, searchable surveillance footage.\nBehaviour-Driven Design through documentation; ethnographic approach to interaction with clients in \n* financial sector, hotels, casinos, airports;\n* government & non-profit entities involved in identifying & combatting sexual exploitation of children; \n* federal, local law enforcement agencies & intelligence services.\n\nTransformed traditional database of financial crime information into a social network serving as a data, information, collaboration and communication hub for financial crime investigators.\n* Conceptual and interaction patterns for integration of goal-directed social networking layer to facilitate cross-jurisdictional collaboration between federal, state, local law enforcement agencies and private investigators involved in combatting financial crimes and identity theft.\n* Used social interaction and limited game mechanics to provide positive reinforcement for investigators, ensuring complete and accurate data entry.\n* Developed the concept of goal-directed ephemeral and persistent \"Task forces\" alongside traditional interest-based and regional groups, to lower the practical and cultural barriers to cross-jurisdictional collaboration.\n\nSecurity concerns restrict public dissemination of additional information.",
"url": ""
"name": "John Laesch for US Congress",
"position": "Director of Communications",
"startDate": "2006-01-31",
"endDate": "2006-10-31",
"highlights": [],
"summary": "Defined and implemented traditional and online communications strategy, managed media relations and volunteer network.\n\nReduced point spread against 30-year incumbent from approximately 50% to 20% advantage, with only $1:$7 against incumbent Speaker of the House.\n\nLeveraged both official and unofficial messaging in blogs, discussion boards, and on early social media and news platforms.\n\nCommunications strategy designed to subtly reveal link between opponent's role in Mark Foley scandal and knowledge of opponent's personal behaviour to local constituents resulted in mid-term resignation of the longest-standing house leader in the opposition party's history; strategy to reveal contributed to some past victims seeking recompense, resulting in a 15 month prison sentence for the opponent."
"name": "Aurora East School District 131",
"position": "Guest Teacher",
"startDate": "2005-12-31",
"endDate": "2006-06-30",
"highlights": [],
"summary": "Long-term assignment as guest educator in resource room for K-5 students with cognitive disabilities; additional assignments in bilingual classrooms (English/Spanish) and technology center.",
"url": ""
"name": "Keck Center for Biotechnology High Throughput Sequencing and Genotyping Lab",
"position": "Research Specialist",
"startDate": "2002-01-31",
"endDate": "2003-08-31",
"highlights": [],
"summary": "Responsible for sample and culture preparation, operation and maintenance of ABI 377/3700/3730 slab gel and capillary electrophoresis DNA sequencers. \n\nLow-, medium- and high-throughput projects included evolutionary biology and molecular phylogeny; agricultural efficiency and genetic engineering; full-genome sequencing of cow, honeybee, pig genomes.\n\nPCR, Sanger dideoxy terminator cycle sequencing reaction, QA on high-throughput bioinformatics pipeline and sequence analysis.",
"url": "",
"location": "Urbana-Champaign, Illinois Area"
"name": "US Army Corps of Engineers",
"position": "Biodiversity Researcher",
"startDate": "2001-06-30",
"endDate": "2001-08-31",
"highlights": [],
"summary": "INVASIVE PLANT SURVEYS for US ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS, CERL Quantitative surveys of native & invasive plant species & unexploded ordnance.",
"url": "",
"location": "Fort Walker"
"name": "Illinois Natural History Survey",
"position": "Biodiversity Researcher",
"startDate": "1999-08-31",
"endDate": "2001-04-30",
"highlights": [],
"summary": "Processed leafhopper specimens for entry into INHS Insect Collection - mounting, digital imaging, data management for new samples from Kyrgyz Republic and tropical regions.\n\nDigital imaging of archival specimens, including holotypes, from INHS Insect Collection.\n\nParticipated in Central Asia research expedition between Kyrgyz National Academy of Sciences, Nizhny Novgorod State University (Russia), & the Illinois Natural History Survey - collecting plants, insects, & stories about being held at gunpoint by the Russian military along the Chinese border.",
"url": ""
"volunteer": [
"organization": "Scitech Hands On Museum",
"position": "geek-in-residence",
"startDate": "2014-02-28",
"endDate": "2014-10-01",
"summary": "jack-of-all-trades volunteer - built and calibrated deltabot 3d printer; consulting on exhibit design and user experience design",
"highlights": []
"organization": "US Student Climate Summit at UN FCCC COP6",
"position": "Spokesperson",
"startDate": "2000-07-31",
"endDate": "2000-12-31",
"summary": "Media spokesperson and communications strategist representing approximately 200 undergraduate and graduate student delegates to the sixth UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (f.k.a. Kyoto Protocol) in Den Haag, NL.\n\nSelected speaker at press conference with approximately 200 international media outlets in attendance.\n\nLiaison between student delegates and stateside media.\n\n",
"highlights": []
"organization": "University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign",
"position": "Sustainability Advisor, UIUC Committee on a Sustainable Campus Environment",
"startDate": "2001-08-31",
"endDate": "2002-06-30",
"summary": "Appointed by Vice Chancellor of University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign to serve as student advisor alongside faculty, administration, & other public & private stakeholders. \n\nPrimary area of responsibility focused on developing recommendations to reduce environmental impact of campus energy consumption.\n\nWork included audit of on-campus power generation, energy consumption and energy efficiency measures, and setting targets.\n\nCo-authored proposal for improving environmental and fiscal sustainability of campus energy portfolio over short-term and 20 year temporal horizons. \n\nContributing author for the inaugural report of the UIUC CSCE.",
"highlights": []
"organization": "RailsBridge",
"position": "Teaching volunteer",
"startDate": "2010-09-30",
"endDate": "2012-01-31",
"summary": "Contributed to documentation and in-person teaching and one-on-one assistance for weekend workshops for women (and their male friends) to increase gender equity in the San Francisco Ruby/Ruby on Rails community.,",
"highlights": []
"education": [
"institution": "University of Califonia, Berkeley",
"area": "Human-Computer Interaction",
"studyType": "",
"startDate": "2008-12-31",
"endDate": "2008-12-31",
"score": "",
"courses": []
"institution": "University of Miami, Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmospheric Sciences",
"area": "Molecular Biology and Bioinformatics",
"studyType": "Ph.D course in Functional Genomics of Coral Reef symbiosis",
"startDate": "2003-12-31",
"endDate": "2005-12-31",
"score": "",
"courses": []
"institution": "University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign",
"area": "Linguistic Anthropology, Ecology/Ethology/Evolution",
"studyType": "BA, BS",
"startDate": "1999-12-31",
"endDate": "2002-12-31",
"score": "",
"courses": []
"institution": "University of Califonia, San Diego",
"area": "Anthropology, Ecology, Music Theory",
"studyType": "",
"startDate": "1997-12-31",
"endDate": "1999-12-31",
"score": "",
"courses": []
"awards": [
"title": "OpenSource Women's Leadership Summit Honoree",
"date": "2011-01-31",
"awarder": "RailsBridge",
"summary": ""
"title": "Rosenstiel Fellow",
"date": "2005-08-31",
"awarder": "University of Miami",
"summary": ""
"certificates": [],
"publications": [
"name": "Pro Smartphone Cross-Platform Development",
"publisher": "Apress",
"releaseDate": "2010-09-30",
"summary": ""
"skills": [
"name": "AI-Driven Content",
"level": "",
"keywords": []
"name": "API Development",
"level": "",
"keywords": []
"name": "Intellectually Curious",
"level": "",
"keywords": []
"name": "Empathic Design",
"level": "",
"keywords": []
"name": "Neo4j",
"level": "",
"keywords": []
"name": "User Experience Design",
"level": "",
"keywords": []
"name": "Rapid Prototyping",
"level": "",
"keywords": []
"name": "Information Visualization",
"level": "",
"keywords": []
"name": "Innovation Research",
"level": "",
"keywords": []
"name": "Web Development",
"level": "",
"keywords": []
"name": "Object-Oriented Programming (OOP)",
"level": "",
"keywords": []
"name": "3D Visualization",
"level": "",
"keywords": []
"name": "Computational Linguistics",
"level": "",
"keywords": []
"name": "Laboratory Skills",
"level": "",
"keywords": []
"name": "Data Visualization",
"level": "",
"keywords": []
"name": "3D Modeling",
"level": "",
"keywords": []
"name": "Education design",
"level": "",
"keywords": []
"name": "Digital Imaging",
"level": "",
"keywords": []
"name": "Human Computer Interaction",
"level": "",
"keywords": []
"name": "JavaScript",
"level": "",
"keywords": []
"name": "Front-End Development",
"level": "",
"keywords": []
"name": "Mobile Design",
"level": "",
"keywords": []
"name": "Presentations",
"level": "",
"keywords": []
"name": "OSINT",
"level": "",
"keywords": []
"name": "spaCy",
"level": "",
"keywords": []
"name": "User-centered Design",
"level": "",
"keywords": []
"name": "Python (Programming Language)",
"level": "",
"keywords": []
"name": "Artificial Intelligence (AI)",
"level": "",
"keywords": []
"name": "Product Design",
"level": "",
"keywords": []
"name": "Oral Communication",
"level": "",
"keywords": []
"name": "Wireframing",
"level": "",
"keywords": []
"name": "Interaction Design",
"level": "",
"keywords": []
"name": "User Interface Design",
"level": "",
"keywords": []
"name": "Objective-C",
"level": "",
"keywords": []
"name": "Information Technology",
"level": "",
"keywords": []
"name": "Narrative",
"level": "",
"keywords": []
"name": "Conceptual Design",
"level": "",
"keywords": []
"name": "User Experience",
"level": "",
"keywords": []
"name": "jQuery",
"level": "",
"keywords": []
"name": "Web Applications",
"level": "",
"keywords": []
"name": "HTML",
"level": "",
"keywords": []
"name": "Ruby",
"level": "",
"keywords": []
"name": "Microbiology",
"level": "",
"keywords": []
"name": "Ruby on Rails",
"level": "",
"keywords": []
"name": "Prototyping",
"level": "",
"keywords": []
"name": "Communication",
"level": "",
"keywords": []
"name": "Genome Sequencing",
"level": "",
"keywords": []
"name": "Natural Language Processing (NLP)",
"level": "",
"keywords": []
"name": "Information Architecture",
"level": "",
"keywords": []
"name": "Teaching",
"level": "",
"keywords": []
"languages": [
"language": "English",
"fluency": "Native Speaker"
"language": "French",
"fluency": "Intermediate"
"language": "German",
"fluency": "Intermediate"
"interests": [],
"references": [
"name": "Dana Mandolesi",
"reference": "Michelle is a brilliant, creative and inspiring person to work with. I’ve had the pleasure of partnering with Michelle on several websites and other web projects, with great success. Michelle has an impressive array of skills and knowledge, and is extraordinarily versatile. She is always looking for the best way to implement appropriate solutions to complex problems. She often presents several options to achieve objectives and is capable of both seeing the big picture and breaking the work into manageable tasks. Michelle works well independently and on a team, and I am looking forward to working with her again."
"projects": [
"name": "Geopolitical Intelligence and Analytics Platform",
"startDate": "2021-03-31",
"summary": "UX Architecture and prototyping of an AI-driven platform for acquisition, management, and analysis of OSINT and CSINT for geopolitical practitioners.\n\n* Redesigned legacy feature specifications to integrate modern interaction design patterns and meld best practices with maximal prototyping efficiency, utilizing open-source, actively maintained code bases wherever possible.\n\n* Mind maps, wireframes, bespoke javascript visualization to communicate aims and progress to stakeholders from a worldwide team of developers to C-suite executives.\n\n* Collaborated with experienced geopolitical analysts and security experts to create an ontology and seed dataset as well as other training data for AI model, to support identifying relevant information from a firehose of geopolitical, business, and irrelevant data from nearly 3000 sources\n\n* Integrated support for CSINT and user-generated annotations and other data in primary interface.\n\n* Custom Jupyter Lab integration to support analysis and automated report generation.\n\n* Crafted API and core services specifications for backend platform developers.\n\n* Filled in some gaps caused by vacant project manager role: \n - Introduced team-wide use of project & productivity management tools for feature development strategy, scheduling and bug tracking (i.e. Pivotal Tracker), data consolidation, information management and versioning (Basecamp, GitHub),\n - Architected strategy to divide comprehensive vision into product development phases. Prioritized core business needs to generate scope for a Maximum Value Platform & Minimum Viable Product while allowing developers to build a sustainable, modular platform, in weekly- and bi-weekly sprints. \n\n* Introduced Behavior Driven Development methodology, permitting stakeholders to write feature specifications in plain English for subsequent use as automated in-browser testing, setting firm boundaries for product scope while reducing the risk of regressions as product complexity evolved.",
"endDate": "2022-12-31"
"meta": {
"version": "v1.0.0",
"canonical": ""
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