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Created May 17, 2015 13:32
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Example of heat meter testimonials with unit of measurement
@prefix hmtr: <> .
@prefix meter: <> .
@prefix ssn: <> .
@prefix xsd: <> .
@prefix om: <> .
@prefix : <coap://> .
:1431869485138 a hmtr:HeatObservation ;
ssn:observationResultTime "2015-05-17T13:31:25.138Z"^^xsd:dateTime ;
ssn:observedBy <coap://> ;
ssn:observationResult :1431869485138-result .
:1431869485138-result a hmtr:HeatSensorOutput ;
ssn:isProducedBy <coap://> ;
ssn:hasValue :1431869485138-resultvalue .
:1431869485138-resultvalue a hmtr:HeatValue ;
meter:hasQuantityValue "77002.3"^^xsd:float ;
om:hasQuantityUnitOfMeasurement <> .
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